The Night with Excalibur and Old Memories

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( Note: I will be using 8 Guardians of Death instead of 8 Shinigami Legions. Since I'm using English not Japanese in the story. Plus Death the Kid and the Soul Eater characters aren't even Japanese except for Tsubaki and Mifune. )

At the stroke of midnight Midoriya, Izuku used his Death Scythe abilities to leave his dorm undetected. He has 3 abilities. The first allows him to travel via mirror like Lord Death, via dark places but he mostly uses Kid's shadows and water. The second allows him to share powers to his wielder and vise versa which is given to him by Lord Death himself. Lastly change his appearance. His appearance to his classmates was fake. But his true appearance is his past life's face. (Further explained in some future part of the story.) Now he is currently patrolling for Kishins. He also left for Japan to decrease the number of Kishins. He saw a familiar face looking at him on top of a building.

"Well, well what a surprise to see you here. Excalibur what do I owe for the pleasure of seeing you here?" Midoriya asked his friend. Excalibur pointed his cane to Midoriya.

"Fool, I'm here to see you. How have you been? It's been centuries since we last saw each other. Old days when we battle side by side killing Kishins. I see you have been recently reincarnated by Lord Death. Praesidium." Excalibur replied to him.

"Oh I'm fine. How's Eibon? I heard you got your hands on Brew and the Key." Midoriya asked again about his friend.

"Fool, Eibon trapped his spirit on that island after all. He's fine. He did get his book back through Fragment and got greeted by Black Mass. ( Black Mass is a character in soul eater manga. ) You should visit him sometimes he missed you and your pranks on Black Mass." Excalibur replied and reminded him of the old times that they were together.

"Your right. I'll visit him once I finish my current mission and DWMA Japan's Branch." Midoriya said. He noticed Excalibur is examining his clothes.

"My your wearing your old clothes when you were still a warrior with us. Except the skull brooch." Excalibur said in his observations. Midoriya was wearing a black, turtle neck, long sleeved t-shirt. Black dress pants, gloves and shoes. Then a black, buttoned trench coat with a skull brooch of Lord Death's current mask. The lower part of his trench coat reaching to his ankles covers his legs but it has 4 slits reaching to his waist so he can kick properly. And the sleeves of his trench coat goes pass his hands, may be 6 inches pass with slits reaching to the elbow at the fore arm part of it.

"And you didn't change your attire at all Excalibur. My I remembered when Asura and Kid pranked you by splashing colored cream on your clothes and top hat. I miss the old days. I only wish to relive those days again with all of the warriors." Midoriya said sadly.

"Same here. But now you need to focus taking care of Fragment and the missions. Be sure to keep Fragment away from Asura. You know his obsessive tendencies." Excalibur reminded. Midoriya nodded of being reminded.

"By the ways where did you guys seal both Brew and its Key? I heard Eibon splinted his soul for the Key is one-fourth of his soul. And I know it's a person not an object. Don't you dare dodge this question or else I will tell the whole DWMA about your embarrassment in the old days." Midoriya threatened Excalibur.

"It's inside Fragment's soul. It cannot be removed. It can only be activated if Fragment is in danger just to protect it's vessel." Excalibur replied as it is the truth. Midoriya cursed and never thought that Kid would be in continuous danger just for the vessel of Brew and it's Key.

"Does he know?" Midoriya asked again not wanting to hesitate on this kind of topic.

"No. If he knows he won't live a happy life. So it's top secret said by Lord Death himself." Excalibur replied. Midoriya right now is top to bottom frustrated and disappointed on Lord Death. He never expected that he would be willing to sacrifice his son to be the vessel of Brew and it's Key. Even with a good reason of not telling him he knows if Kid finds out he would feel the same feelings he is feeling right now.

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