The Plan

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Kid and Yukire were heading to the meeting room with the others. Izuku was already there when they arrived. Excalibur was drinking tea from the corner of the room. Some of Izuku's high ranking generals also arrived. The last general closed the door and the meeting began.

"Alright, did all generals received the plans in the papers we gave?" Kid asked. They all nodded.

"If anyone have some questions in mind please do freely ask." Izuku said.
A man nearest to Excalibur raised his hand.

"Yes, General Tsukimitsu." Yukire said.

"I know the says that my branch will be guarding the back doors of the building but why will General Sukeji's branch will be positioned on the towers they specialize in gun kata?" G. Tsukimitsu asked.

"Some of the descriptions of the attacks that I received said they launch their allies to the towers to get inside. All of the attacks have those so I thought it would be good to have people who are excellent in close combat and guns would be able to take them down before they get further inside." Kid replied.

"Thank you for the reason Lord Death." Tsukimitsu thanked and Kid facepalmed knowing he and his father are always addressed by the same title. Midoriya and Yukire held a chuckle and proceeded to see who will also question about the plans they've made. Another hand was raised by a female general.

"Yes, General Ryuna?" Midoriya called her. ( A/N: This is in military terms actually. If a high ranking officer says Midoriya's line its like a call for the lower to say what's in their minds. Yeah, the military is so strict and brutal. But it's reality for them since they're gonna suffer in times of war. )

"Sir, please do consider not using talismans for such a trivial manner like making barriers in the sewage system. Those Kishins don't actually go there." G. Ryuna said. The other generals widened their eyes in terror. If someone opposes to their commander's plans with trivial reasons like the female general's. The commander will crush her idea to dust. They dared to bat him an eye but they felt the dangerous aura of the most feared Deathscythe, so they didn't dare try.

"Tell me General Ryuna. If Kishins can be smarter will they go to the sewage system or not?" Midoriya asked in a dark and ominous voice that every person except Excalibur, Yukire, and Kid were sweating so much. It seems that the unfortunate General is also feeling it.

"I apologize for questioning sir!" She shouted and Midoriya let go of his aura since he noticed the other generals were already scared of him. Kid coughed to get their attention.

"Alright! Since no one has any other questions, we will move forward to our plan and prepare for the Kishins. This will determine the fate for the Japanese Branch of DWMA. I expect full cooperation for all those who will participate in this fight. We do not accept cowardice from all. Do not expect for them to go easy. Bring out your all to them. Show them what the DWMA's Branch Japanese Army can do! There's no backing out once it's starts! Understood?!" Kid announced.

"Yes sir!" The generals shouted back as a reply.

( Sorry for the short chapter. Because I'm running out of ideas. You can comment what your ideas are about for my story so I can visualize one for our next chapter. Thank you for understanding. I've been very busy lately so expect me to update almost once in two months. Sorry for the inconvenience. )

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