The Return of All for one and the Truth Exposed to the Enemy

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The same day of Kid was attacked by Endeavor. The League of Villains were planning to infiltrate the underground tunnels of UA.

"Hey Tomura do you think we can escape the underground tunnels?" Toga asked their leader.

"I'm not sure but we will try to escape once we get in. We will just explore and get out of there. If there is any exit at the underground tunnels." Shigaraki replied. As the others are gathering what they needed in the near future operation.

"Shigaraki were finished with all the preparations we just need the day to go to the tunnels. Giran already secured a safe path to infiltrate the school and go to the tunnels." Spinner reported with Mr. Compress. They were kinda sad looking because Magne hasn't returned to the League of Villains. Magne got lost when they were warped away from Kamino. All they need is to find her and they get going.

"Good that means that we only need Magne left. Giran is already looking for him as we speak. Once we get out of the tunnels how about we kill some children along the way?" Shigaraki suggested. Mr. Compress, Spinner, and Twice went blue knowing his tendency of wanting to kill brutally. Dabi did not mind him. And Toga got ecstatic when he mentioned the word kill.

"How about we just kill the guest of UA? The black haired kid with white stripes at his left side." Mr. Compress asked.

"No way Mr. Compress that brat is mine to kill. I don't care of his status. I just want to taste his blood and drain it from his body." Toga said excitingly and wondering what his blood tastes like.

"Speaking about the brat why hasn't Giran given us information about the brat yet?" Shigaraki asked. He was already impatient of Giran's odd behaviour. He grabbed a phone and asked Twice to contact him. After a few minutes Giran was on speaker.

"Giran why haven't you given us any information yet on the brat who is staying at UA as a guest? It's kinda odd for you to be this late to give any kind of information. But still why?" Mr. Compress asked in an interrogating manner.

"As much as hate to admit it. But the brat has no information on the government files of people. Not even one sentence, no name, no age and no anything!!!! It's like he never exists in the first place!!!!! I'm sorry to disappoint you but not even a single rumor or even the underground files doesn't have him in their list!!!" Giran shouted in desperation and sadness of not even finding a single information on the said brat. The League were surprised by Giran's shout but even more on the brat.

"But that's impossible. You are the best hacker, information broker in Japan. How can you possibly have no information on the brat?!" Shigaraki shouted his question. Giran sighed at the other end of the line by Shigaraki's fury of impatience and disappointment.

"Like I said he has no records at all. Just infiltrate the underground tunnels. Don't pursue the brat yet but if you want to I don't care. I just found out Magne was able to sneak in to Tartaros and freed All for one. All for one is still weak but strong enough to handle those children at UA. Just make sure you can keep him out of the radar of heroes. I'll wait for your safe return." Those were Giran's last words before he hung up. They went ecstatic to know that All for one was freed. He can join them at their little infiltration.

"We gotta reward Magne for this. Sensei is the only person I can care through parent and child relationship like. Even it was supposed to be teacher to student. Ever since Kurogiri got caught I felt a little lost and sad. But now that Sensei is back we can finally have an easier mission than the other missions." Shigaraki said happily. After those words gray liquid like suddenly came out. Revealing it was only All for one and Magne. They greeted them in happiness especially Shigaraki to All for one.

"Shigaraki how are you after I got arrested? I have to say Mr. Magne here is good at sneaking around. I heard your planning to infiltrate the underground tunnels. Before you ask I'm coming as well. This is the first time I heard about it. I never thought there would be such an ancient underground tunnels that I don't even know at my past investigations at UA." All for one said in a cheery voice. Happy being out of Tartaros since the place was a pain in the ass being cooped up doing nothing. Or may he say a total boredom of hell that can kill him.

"We're fine Sensei. But we found a brat that we can't any information about him. Even Giran can't find any." Shigaraki reported to All for one. That report intrigued him.

"Oh, do you have a picture of this said child?" All for one asked. He is curious of such a child that Giran can't even find anything about him. Shigaraki handed a photo that they got through a spy at UA. When he saw the photo he shook in fear that made him out of balance. Shigaraki caught him before he hits the floor.

"What's wrong Sensei? Do you know this child?" He asked. He was shocked seeing that his teacher is afraid of some child.

"Shi...shigaraki this is no.. no.. child. Who-who issss hihihis frifriend at UA?" All for one asked full of fear. He sat on a chair to calm down. The others were curious and surprised by his reaction to the child in the photo.

"His friend is All Might's successor. Midoriya, Izuku. What's seems the problem?" Shigaraki answered his question. Toga grabbed a knife and threw it to hit the photo but All for one caught the knife an inch before hitting the photo.

"Aww but I wanna hit the photo since your afraid of the brat. Why are you so afraid of the brat that your about to piss your pants?" Toga asked. All for one gave her a death glare that made everyone took aback.

"Shigaraki what ever happens never confront this child. Don't even try to harm him physically, mentally and all. Stay away from him especially don't talk to him. When we go to the tunnels and if he is there stay at least 8 ft away from the child. This also applies to Midoriya, Izuku since he is friends with the child. They are far more experience and dangerous than me. So please don't mess with them." All for one ordered. They were confused by his orders. No one dared to question him. They grabbed their stuff and headed to the next hideout that is much more nearer to UA than their current hideout. They used All for one's warp quirk and he spoke up.

"Lets just investigate it already since we are here after all. I totally need to finish this or else we might meet the child. No way in my whole life I'm gonna meet the child. It's suicidal if he finds out if we harmed him in some way." All for one suggested to them.

"What's so important of some dumb brat?" Dabi asked in confusion.

"This child is 800 yrs older than me." All for one admitted. They are now more shocked than before.

"But that's impossible Sensei!! The brat looks like 14 or 15 yrs old!! If he is that old and why didn't he age like you?! Does he have a quirk to stay that young? How do you know him in the first place?!" Shigaraki shouted his question. The others were amused by Shigaraki's funny way of expressing his question using his facial reaction. It was funny after all. He contort his face like a clown maniac.

"Calm down Shigaraki. How can he answer your questions if you keep talking like that?" Mr. Compress said as Spinner and Twice tries to calm him down.

"Yeah Tomura calm down and take deep breaths." Toga said she holds him down to keep him from exposing their current hideout. Shigaraki calmed down a bit and sat on the floor.

"Alright everyone sit down and I'll tell you everything. As long as you stay away from the child and Midoriya understand?" All for one asked. They nodded and sat down the floor.

"I'll start to the beginning. 800 yrs ago before the rise of quirks. There were 8 guardians of Death. They protect this world from corruption and dangers. Death is the main guardian. The 8 guardians are God ranked and a hundred times stronger than me. They are very secretive and shows themselves if necessary. Death or Shinigami or God of Death has 2 children. The eldest is part of the 8 guardians of Death and the youngest is his successor. This brat you are talking about with disrespect is the youngest child of Death. I met him one time and beat me in a battle. I barely escaped if it wasn't for my warp quirk. Now do understand why I am so afraid of him?" All for one asked them. They nodded in fear, they never thought that their could be anyone who can beat him and possibly All Might.

"Now that's settled. We will infiltrate the underground tunnels tomorrow. The sooner were finished the better and we can avoid Death's son. I don't want to go near him ever again. Just seeing him makes me pee my pants out of fear." All for one said to them as he sat and rest. Nobody argued with him.

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