Yukata Short Memory

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Midoriya went down and saw everyone looking scared of something. Like they just saw a ghost. He walked to Kid's side then pushed the wheel chair to Kid's room. They went inside and talked about Alysianna.

"Hey Kid. Do you remember the yukata she wore in battle?" Midoriya asked.

"Yup." Kid answered. ( The yukata picture at the top. )

"Is it the one she wore in missions and battles?" Kid asked.

"Yup. It was her favourite yukata." Midoriya commented. He looked sad and pulled something out of his pocket. It was a yukata short.

"While this is what she wears in festivities." Midoriya said.

"She's always wear a yukata short

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"She's always wear a yukata short. She never wears anything else." Kid said.

"Brings back memories of her and both your devious pranks on Spirit." Midoriya said. Looking at Alysianna's yukata he pictured her wearing it. Remembering all the Times they spent together as immortals and friends.

"She was a great miester with you as her weapon. While I'm also your miester. Like in Tsugumi's case with Meme and Anya. Two miesters with one weapon." Kid commented.

"Hey Kid it's the day tomorrow. What should we bring this time for her? A cake, flowers, yukatas or anything else she likes?" Midoriya asked to suggest something for Kid. Kid brought his finger to his chin and thinks of something.

"How about making her a yukata you were always good in making clothes especially yukatas. You used to give her those in her b-day. And since tomorrow is her b-day give her a yukata." Kid suggested.

"Your right but help me it's kinda hard to make it using silk. Order some and we will make it at your place. Ask your father to bring us back to make it and deliver it to her grave at midnight later." Midoriya accepted the suggestion.

"Alright I'll do it right now you go to father's. Via mirror and I'll distract later I'll call if it's dinner time here. You come back then we will go to father's again then go to her grave exactly midnight then give the yukata." Kid planned then started making calls to certain people. Midoriya went out and to grab stuff for the yukata. Then put a do not disturb. Knock and wait before opening the door. If no answer I'm asleep sign on the his and Kid's door. He grabbed a long and big bag and went inside Kid's room. He hung the mirror on a wall then started contacting Lord Death.

"42-42-564 Whenever you want to knock on Death's door." He said the rhyme and a few ripples in the mirror then Death came to view.

"Whas up Midori? Did my baby boy reached there's uneventful? Ya know what's tomorrow right?" Lord Death asked his Death Scythe. Midoriya bowed a little.

"Kid reached here uneventful sir. Yes tomorrow is the day. May I come there to prepare for it Kid already made the calls. He will call me to come back later." Midoriya reported.

"Of course Midoriya." Lord Death approved and then the mirror darkened. Midoriya stepped in the mirror then came out to it. He was in the Death room.

"Welcome back to Death City. Death Scythe it's been 420 yrs since you were here. The room is prepared. Before you leave we are going to do business for a while. It's about the DWMA's Branch Japanese Army." Death said and let Midoriya go to the room Death prepared for him. The went inside and saw the ordered materials inside. He started working about 3 hours he's finished with the yukata.

Midoriya went to the Death room to discuss about DWMA's Branch Japanese Army

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Midoriya went to the Death room to discuss about DWMA's Branch Japanese Army. When he entered he went through a lot of guillotines. He reached to the platform where Lord Death was standing in front of his mirror.

"Oh Midoriya your finally here. You see the problem is that a Kishin eggs has been surrounding the base. I need you to kill them all. Do not leave one alive. You will do this after you and Kid accomplished the tunnel mission. Do this as quickly as possible the base is gonna collapse by 2 weeks from tomorrow. You you understand?" Death asked his Death Scythe sternly.

"Yes Lord Death." Midoriya answered then went in the mirror to return to the dorms. Unknown to him and Kid the event with his classmates about Alysianna was recorded. The teachers were viewing it at Alysianna to Kaminari's apology. They were starstruck at the revelations to the  fiance stuff especially All Might and Aizawa.

"Ooohhhh I never thought that one of Aizawa's students would have a fiance. More surprisingly Midoriya would be the one to have one." Midnight commented. She, Nezu, Snipe, Present  Mic, Vlad King, Thirteen, Tsukauchi, Gran Torino and Nighteye. Looked at a shocked, gaping faces of Aizawa, All Might and The Big Three.
The shocked ones never thought that someone that young as Midoriya would be engaged to a foreigner. Especially of your engagement was arranged by your best friend and his father. Aizawa was the first to regain his composure then grabbed his sleeping bag and folded it.

"Me and those kids will have a nice and very long talk about love life of other people. Especially Kid's father for the engagement without their  permission first. He is about to suffer hell when I get my hands on him." Aizawa said dangerously, looking grim and about to strangle someone.

"Please don't Aizawa your gonna make a bad impression of his father about us. But we must first check about this Alysianna person. She maybe dead but we still need to know about her. Tsukauchi you know what to do right. Get your laptop and look into this Clandestine, Alysianna." Ordered Nezu. Tsukauchi grabbed his laptop and typed the name. His face came to disbelief and frustration. They wondered what made Tsukauchi feel like that. After 10 minutes.....

"Uhhh!!!!! Clandestine, Alysianna doesn't exist. There are no files about her. I even hacked the list of the underground there's simply no file about her not even a single article in newspapers. No reports, no hospital or school record NO NOTHING! LIKE SHE NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!" Tsukauchi screamed as loud as his lungs could handle. Everyone was startled by his outburst like he never reacted like that until now.

"Very intriguing I must confess that if she didn't have a record then Kid's father must be involved. In order to engage someone you must have both of the couples' records. He must've hid it somehow and somewhere too good if Tsukauchi can't find her files and records. They are from America after all. We will send a request if we can look into her records there if possible. If they denied then Kid, Midoriya and Alysianna maybe important people in America." Nezu suggested. They looked more shocked than before especially All Might, Nighteye, Gran Torino and Lemillion. They never thought that the current holder of One for All would be an important person in America.

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