I have no idea whats going on, please send snacks.

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Warning: homophobia and transphobia. Don't worry though, the character that says this is strongly advised not to do it again.

Where the hell do I start on the insanity that is my life? Well, let's just start with my name. I'm Delilah J. Murphy. I'm just a 14 year old girl with ADHD, depression, and anxiety. Nothing special really. I mean sure, I write and draw but who doesn't? I'm not that different from everyone else. Or at least that's what I thought. Everything changed when the fire nation attacked.... wait, what? I meant, everything changed that nutty august day when my world flipped on its head. Let's go back two weeks, shall we?

August 14, 2020:
"DELILAH!!!!" I hear my mom yell from down stairs. "GIMME A MINUTE!!!!" I shout down to her. Jesus that woman is impatient. I dig through my closet. Where the hell is my Slytherin shirt? My eyes land on a green and black T shirt hanging in the midst of the rest of my clothes. I yank it off the hanger and pull it on. I run out of my closet and check my hair in a mirror. It still feels weird. I cut a lot off two days ago and I'm still not used to having hair this short. Wait where my backpack? "Dammit must be in the closet. Heh like me." I chuckle and run back into the closet. "There you are. Are my antidepressants in here?" I mutter. "Phone?" I check my back pocket. Yep. I need to make sure I have everything I need before I head over to dad's house. I hear a loud whoosh from behind me.
     "What the..." I turn around to face a glowing... thing... floating in front of me. "HOLY SHIT." I jump and tumble over. Stupid untied combat boots. A hand slowly reaches out of the glowing portal thing. I stifle a scream. That is not normal. I stand back up and grab my backpack, slinging it over my shoulder. Maybe I should grab the hand and pull whoever is on the other side through? "This is a really REALLY bad idea." I mutter as I grab the disembodied hand and tug. They tug back. And hard. "Woah! Hey, LET GO!!!" I shout, trying to free my own hand from their grip. They yank on my hand again. "I SAID LET-" with one final hard tug, I'm pulled towards the glowy portal thing. I scream as I'm pulled through. For a moment, I'm floating next to someone with shocking violet eyes and long white hair. And then, we both start falling.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!?!" I scream. "AND WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?!" My companion smiles kindly. "My name is Imogen. It's wonderful to finally meet you!" They say with a small wave. "That explains literally nothing." I mutter. They just laugh. "I know, I usually don't explain much! Welp. Looks like we're at the end of the tunnel. I hope to see you again Delilah Jo Murphy!" They give me one more smile and then they're gone with a poof of smoke. "Wait, how the hell do you know my name???" I shout. No response. I look down and see a white floor approaching me quickly. Or rather, I'm approaching it!
     I squeeze my eyes shut, getting ready for the feeling of slamming onto what looks like the bottom of this rabbit hole. But the pain never comes. I open my eyes and find myself laying down in what appears to be a cave. I sit up. Wait was I sleeping on a rock? "Where-" "YOU'RE AWAKE!!!!" I hear someone yell excitedly. I sit up, one hand instinctively curling into a fist. I blink in surprise as I stare at the person in front of me. "You're a child...?" I say in shock. They have short and shaggy silver hair, with bright green eyes. They're also tiny. They look around six or seven. "Yup! I'm Max! Nice to meet ya!" He grins. His two front teeth are missing. I hear the door creak open and someone rushes in.
     "Oh my deity. You're finally awake." They rush over to the bedside, grabbing Max by the collar and dropping him on the floor. He jumps back up and grins. "My name is Juniper. It is oh so wonderful to finally meet you. I mean, a real Star Being? It really is an honor." The young woman says. She has long silver hair like Max, with the same bright green eyes. Maybe his sister? "What the hell is a Star Being? And who are you people? And where am I?" Juniper laughs. Her laughter rings through the air like a bell. It's bright and joyous, and makes me think of springtime. This woman is not human. At least not a normal one anyways. "All will be revealed in time. Now come, into the conservatory!"
She grabs my arm and pulls me out of bed. "Wait! Where's my bag?" "Oh yeah. Here." Juniper lifts her arm. My bag materializes into her hand. She's hands it over to me. WHAT. THE. FUCK?!?!?!?! "Now let's go!" "YOU JUST DID MAGIC!!!" "And?" Juniper drags me out of the cave and into blinding sunlight.
My eyes adjust to the light and I take in the view. Multi colored light floods the room. Though I wouldn't call it a room. More like a dome built on the side of a mountain. Stained glass makes up the roof. A giant ass tree grows in the middle of the whole thing, growing all the way to the top of the dome and out a circular opening. "Wow." I whisper. I turn back to look at where we had walked out of. Lining the cliffs are doors with stairs built out of rock leading up to them. Some are bigger than others, which leads me to think there's probably more inside the mountain. "Welcome," Juniper says. I turn back around to face her. "To the home of the Star Beings."
       I take a step forward towards the tree. A light flashes below me. I look down at the ground. The floor is carved in an intricate pattern all around the tree. The place where I stepped glows green under and around my foot. "Holy shit." I mutter. "You are a Star Being!" Juniper shouts with glee. "What would you have done if I wasn't?" "Probably send you some where like the med bay or the kitchen to work." She says plainly. Well then. Someone slams into me, sending me to the ground.
"What the-" "DELILAH!!!!" Wait a damn minute. I know that voice. "Nat?" I ask in confusion. The person that tackled me jumps up and grins. "Yep!" She says. Her long dark and curly hair is pulled back into a pony tail. Nat helps me up. "How are you here? Why are you here?" "Same how and same why as you." She smiles. I chuckle and give her a hug. "Looks like we're getting that extended vacation after all." I say. "Yep."
       "Good. You two know each other. Now come on. Introduction starts in five minutes. MAX!!!" Juniper calls. The little silver haired boy bounds up to her. "Yeah momma?" "Go and look for any other Star Beings that might not be at the introduction yet." Juniper tells him. He nods and runs off. Did he call her mom? "Come." Juniper rushes towards the biggest door on the mountain. It's the only one that's open. People scurry in and out. Nat and I follow juniper into the mountain side. Two sharp left turns later and we stand in front of another door. Juniper opens it and we walk inside.
         There's eight more kids in here, as well as three adults. Nat and I sit down among the other kids. I glance over at the adults. One is dressed in extravagant clothing. They're wearing a long multicolored dress that seems to change colors when they move, a long boa that looks like it's made out of peacock feathers, and hair done up in a complication manner. They are tall and quite beautiful. The next adult is short and squat. They have their hair slicked back and are wearing a suit. The last one stands out. Instead of wearing fancy clothing, they just wear an old looking tunic and plain pants. They have long shaggy hair, stubble and faint scars crisscrossing their face.
           The extravagant one walks to the front of the room. "Hello Star Beings. My name is Hera, and I will be one of your instructors." Nat and I share a look. Anyone named after the Greek goddess Hera cannot and will not be trusted. "My companions are Mr. Heath and Sir Elian. They will also be teaching you. Now of course, we aren't the only teachers here but this IS a school. We were the only ones without classes at the moment." She says with a chuckle. Heath gives a hearty laugh. But Elian just huffs and rolls his eyes. "So, you are all probably wonder what in the deity's name you're doing here. Allow me to explain."
           "Long ago, magic was introduced to our world. And soon after, the first Star Beings arrived. They were called that because they seemed to descend from the heavens themselves. Hence the name Star Beings. Every generation, new star beings arrive. The tree out in the courtyard? That's where the first ones appeared. And where new ones always appear when called. Usually, you would have been born and raised here. But shortly before most of you were born, a war broke out. And spies from the opposing sides brain washed all of your parents. They left and you all were born on earth. Now, some of your parents remembered. But most of the time, it was too late. The rest have yet to remember. So, we had to summon you here. Using the deity's help, you came into our world. Now, the war has yet to end. We need your help to stop it."
Nat and I share a look with the rest of the. group. One kid with long wavy pink hair stands up and crosses their arms. "Yeah, ok. How the hell are we supposed to do that? None of us can even drive legally." "I have a learners permit." One kid pipes up. Pink hair motions at the kid and glares at Hera. "My point exactly." They state, sitting back down. "Well, that's why you'll train. You can learn how to use your powers." I sputter. "Powers?" I ask. "Oh did I leave that bit out? In our world, everyone has and can master three powers max. Except you all. You have access to every ability."
My jaw drops. I think someone faints. "Shoulda lead with that bitch." Pink hair says. "Language Lanett Parker." Hera growls. "Lane." Pink hair growls back, flashing Hera the finger. I like this girl. "Introductions Hera." Elian grumbles. "Of course. Stand when I call your name. Caleb Alexander." A short bug eyed boy stands up. He winks at me. I flip him off. He glares and sits back down. "Damien Alexander." A shorter boy stands up. No bug eyes this time. He waves shyly and sits back down. "Maxw-" "Maxine please." A young woman stands up, looking sheepish. She has dark skin, black hair, brown eyes and is wearing a hoodie with baggy jeans. "Maxine Beckham it is." Hera nods with an encouraging smile. "What? You a tranny?" Caleb laughs. Maxine flushes and stares down in embarrassment. Nat, Lane, another Star Being and I all stand up with aggressive looks on our faces. "Problem with that, Alexander?" I growl cracking my knuckles. Caleb squeaks. I smile kindly at Maxine. She grins back and sits down.
"Gabriel Bisset?" Gabriel stands up. He has blonde hair and brown eyes. He's wearing jeans and a tee shirt. "Hello." He says in a slight French accent. "My English isn't the best." He says sheepishly. "It's fine dude." Someone pipes up. Gabriel sits back down.
"Hade Carson?" The person that told Gabriel it was fine stands up. They have short hair dyed teal on the tips, grey eyes, glasses, and they're wearing a band tee shirt. "My pronouns are They/Them by the way." Hade says with a grin. "There's only two genders." Caleb mocks. Before I can say anything, Hade whirls around and grabs Caleb by the collar. "Say that again. I dare you, Bug Eyes." They growl. I like this one. "Hade! Caleb! Both of you stop!" Hera shouts. "Hade, there's no need to get into a fight. Caleb, we respect everyone here, no matter how they identify. Please stop disrespecting the other Star Beings." She says. Hade drops Caleb and sits back down. "Wasn't worth my time anyways." They mutter.
"Natalie Echaggaruga?" Hera calls. Nat stands up. "Hey." She says jumping up. She's wearing a school tee shirt and jeans. She smiles and then sits back down.
"Lanett Parker?" Hera calls. Pink hair jumps back up. "You can call me Lane." She says with an eye roll. Her long wavy pink hair falls over her shoulders. She's wearing a black shirt with a leather jacket over it, a black beanie, along with ripped jeans and combat boots. "Except you. Don't... Don't talk to me." She's says to Caleb with distain. He rolls his eyes. "I'm fine with that." He mutters. Wow, we all only met Caleb five minutes ago and half of us don't like him.
             "Delilah Murphy?" Hera calls. I leap up. "Hey." I say. "Nice shirt." Hade calls. "A person of culture I see." I grin sit back down. I like them. They seem cool.
           "Karson Nelson?" A person with slicked back ginger hair jumps up and grins. "Wassup." He says. He's wearing a black shirt with "here and queer" written across the front and a rainbow underneath. He wears baggy black jeans and sneakers. "Nice shirt." Lane, Maxine, Hade, Nat, Gabriel, and I all say at the same time. We all look at each other and laugh. I'm bisexual and Nat is an ally. She's actually one of the first people I came out to.
             "Last but not least, Mateo Pérez?" A Hispanic looking boy gets up. His hair is dyed blonde and he's wearing a hoodie. "Hey." He says before sitting back down. Hera clasps her hands together. "Ok, that's all for introduction. We know you have all had a crazy day so we will show you to your dormitories."

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