She opened her palm and summoned a small ball of light, enough for Manager Ro, Mr. Ri, and Taehyung to notice.

Manager Ro knitted her eyebrows. "I don't see anything. Stop messing around, Jisoo."

"Is... that really...?" Mr. Ri said, pointing at the ball of light. "You're..?"

"Looks like Manager Ro doesn't have clear sight." Taehyung shook his head, "You're lucky.... at some point."

Then Manager Ro's phone rang. She answered the call without leaving the three, "Yes, I'm still with them. Mr. Ri's still fazed." She nodded, "Okay, we'll meet you outside."

"Mom's here?" asked Jisoo.

"Yes." Manager Ro said, "I'll just let this slide. Your mother will probably explain this to me later."

"Manager Ro!" Taehyung suddenly exclaimed, "You said you won't tell her."

Manager Ro raised an eyebrow at Taehyung. "Because I thought the doctor can help Mr. Ri."

"I'll.. I'll just explain things to Mr. Ri on our way to the parking lot." Taehyung sighed.

Manager Ro dismissed Taehyung and pulled Jisoo along with her, leaving the two men behind.

"So, Mr. Ri.." he said, "Is this the first time you saw something like the sheep?"

"No." Mr. Ri replied, "But I didn't expect I'd see something that close."

"What did you see before?"

"A dog, a huge dog. It was the size of a truck! I was 17 that time. I got so frightened yet my classmates weren't even a bit fazed by that sight." Taehyung was quietly listening to Mr. Ri's story as it was the longest he's spoken since he was with him, "That's when I started to train myself, which eventually led me to being a bodyguard. I thought I need to protect others from beasts like that... but I never saw anything that huge again until today."

"Wow," Taehyung mused, "Jisoo was right. Hellhounds do sneak above when they're bored."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Listen," he raised a finger to stop Mr. Ri from walking, "What you have is a clear sight. If you see something like the hellhound or an unusually huge sheep, just try to ignore them. You don't have the blood of a god running through your veins so I suppose monsters won't try to devour you. If you see one when you're Ms. Yejin, please try to ignore it so it won't hurt you both."

Mr. Ri just nodded, although he's still internalizing what the teenager just said. "Protect Ms. Yejin, yes, that's my job," he said out loud.

Taehyung patted the bodyguard's back. "Ok, cool. I'll tell you more about us once we're back here."

"You'll be back?"

He nodded. "I'll study here with my friends," he grinned. "But that's if they come with us. If not, then it's just me and Jisoo."

"You really like Ms. Yejin's daughter, huh?" Mr. Ri smirked.

"Of course." Taehyung immediately agreed, "Did you notice how she looks like her mother, though?"

"I noticed." the bodyguard smiled for the first time - making something obvious for Taehyung.

"Please don't tell me you like Ms. Yejin." Taehyung blurted out, "Apollo's not going to like that."

"Taehyung! Mom's waiting!" Jisoo yelled from afar. "Get in here!"

"Coming!" Taehyung yelled back, gaining attention from the people around them. He bid his goodbye to the confused bodyguard and dashed to the car.

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