Ashton was never one to complain. She never cared when Azula got all the attention from their father and when she got whatever the princess desired because quite frankly she never wanted any of that. She did crave for a long time to laugh and play with her brother and she was deprived of a mother at a young age. But, she never spoke a word. It could've been because at the mention of either of those wishes her father would punish her severely. Perhaps even more than he had to Zuko simply because it was an excuse to hurt the only person, besides his brother, that he didn't understand. Yes, she was never one to complain because she had seen the torment that was displayed in others eyes as her people stole everything from them.

Though as she rested on her brothers shoulder in the bustling streets of some random earth kingdom village she wanted nothing than to complain. Her pale skin now was bright red due to the cruel sun beaming down on her constantly. She was ravenous and her backed ached from the weeks of sleeping on the hard ground. The princess had a layer of dirt atop her skin that ,no matter how hard she scrubbed, wouldn't budge. She was exhausted, her mind was plagued with thoughts of Yue and him. His blue eyes haunted hers as she rested them and the way his fingers just fit perfectly between hers filled her with longing as she wanted them more than anything.

Her body betrayed her as she fell into sleep on Zukos broad, oddly comfortable shoulder. As she dreamt of the boy from her vision, Zuko hid her small, feminine figure from creepy lustful men that passed by and Iroh begged for money. "Spare coins for weary travelers?" Iroh asked a man walking by, and feeling charitable he dug out a coin and donated it to the old man. Zuko huffed "This is humiliating! We're royalty! these people should be giving us whatever we want!" his voice drew his sister from her slumber and she popped her head up, whipping her head side to side cautiously. "They will if you ask nicely." Iroh responded, turning to a passerby and changing his approach to begging into a helpless old man.

As he dramatically pushed his hat to the pedestrian as he called out "Spare change for a hungry old man?". It was a young girl and she held a face full of pity as she reached into her sleeve pulling out a shiny coin and placing it in his hat saying "Aw, here you go?". To say the least, Ashton was impressed. That is until the man dropped the act and he cheekily responded with "The coin is appreciated, but not as much as your smile." causing the girl to giggle, Ashton to roll her eyes, and for Zuko to facepalm. When she wondered off a man with broadswords to her plave in front of the trio a smirk plastered on his rough and beaten face. His eyes met Ashton and her smirk deepen as he leaned close to her, "How about some entertainment for a gold piece?". Ashton's usually friendly eyes darkened and she lifted her hand to slap the man but Zuko stopped her by grabbing her shoulders and holding her closer to his side "We're not performers." He growled.

"Not professional, anyway!" Iroh said happily cutting through the tension, oblivious to the true meaning by the mans words. He stood and began to sing, "Its a long long way to ba sing se but the girls in the city they look so pretty!!!" The man straightened back up and looked like he struck a gold mine, completely forgetting about the fire princess he pulled out his broadswords, "Come on!! We're talking a gold piece here!! Lets see some action!" he brought the swords down to the siblings feet and Ashton gasped in horror and Zukos grip on his sister tightened as he narrowed his eyes. He wanted to ruin him. "Dance!" the man yelled and iroh continued to sing but at that point the Prince stopped listening. His eyes were glued to the mans swords and how they struck the ground just millimetres from his beloved uncles chubby feet. He knew his sister was holding back the urge to strike the crude man with as much lightening as she could muster.

Ashton was kind, kinder than anyone he had ever met. But, she was protective. If someone even came within seconds of hurting someone she loves she will make them pay. She was lucky she wasn't there when Ozai scarred him, she would've been behind bars or worse dead.

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