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Princess Ashton didn't know what she expected out of the library. It was grand sure and the as the proffesor pointed out, the buttresses were beautiful. Still it didn't compare to the libraries in the fire nation. They were filled with lies, but the gold emelishes on the shelves and carvings of dragons made the fire bender feel safe.

As Ashton's feet touched the marble floor she felt cold. The library was barely lit and what light it did have was an icy green. It made her feel uncomfortable in a place she would normally feel at home in. Her thoughts were interrupted when Aang placed a hand on her shoulder and whispered quietly "Are you okay?" she smiled reassuringly at him and nodded. "My word!" Zei exclaimed, catching both benders attention. "The exquisite mosaic handiwork of this tile-rendered avian symbol ..." Katara, Sokka, and Aang looked at him like he was crazy as he trailed off, looking quite embarrased. "What the Profesor is trying to say is that the owls are nice." the Princess elaborated, nodding understandingly when Zei smiled gratefully.

Suddenly, the group hears rustling and before Ashton could even think she was being squished behind a pillar between the watertribe siblings who looked worridly at eachother. "

"I know you're back there." the loud voice gave Ashton chills and she grasped Sokka's hand. He blushed and Katara raised an eyebrow at him, not noticing the princesses fingers entangled with her brothers.

Out of nowhere, and without fear, Profesor Zei stepped out of his hiding place with a huge smile on his face making the firebenders eyes widen and gave Aang a look of worry as he sighed. "Hello, I'm Professor Zei, head of anthropology at Ba Sing Se University." she heard him proudly announced and she cursed the man silently.

"You should leave the way you came. Unless you want to become a stuffed head of anthropology." this only made Ashton squeeze Sokkas hand tighter. One thing that her Uncle taught her was to never mess with spirits.

Abrubtly, the warrior dragged her from behind the pillar, his sister and avatar in tow. "Are you the spirit who brought this library to the physical world?" he asked and Ashton just rolled her eyes at the question.

"Indeed, I am Wan Shi Tong, 'He Who Knows Ten Thousand Things.' And you are obviously humans, which, by the way, are no longer permitted in my study."

This time, Sokkas grip on his friends hand tightened slightly as he narrowed his eyes at the spirit. Aang had long since seen their hands intertwined and couldn't wait to tease them for it. That would have to wait, there are more pressing matters at hand.

"What do you have against humans?" he asked curiously, peeling his eyes away from what he considered almost as a sister and his best friend.

"Hm! Humans only bother learning things to get the edge on other humans. Like that firebender who came to this place a few years ago, looking to destroy his enemy." Ashton looked down in shame as he leaned down closer to Sokka. "So ... who are you trying to destroy?"

"What? No-no-no-no destroying. We're not into that." The warrior shook his hands in front of him, chuckling nervously. Ashton instantly missed his cool touch.

"Then why have you come here?" the spirit asked, turning his attention to the princess. Examining her skeptically.

"Um ... knowledge for knowledge's sake?" Sokka suggested. Kataras hand twitched, resisting the urge to facepalm while Ashton looked at him diappointedly.

"If you're going to lie to an all-knowing spirit being, you should at least put some effort into it." Wan Shi Tong said impatiently. "I'm not lying, I'm here with the Avatar, and he's the bridge between our worlds. He'll vouch for me." the water tribe boy said quickly, dragging the airbender to the front. Katara reached for Ashtons arm pulling her back with her.

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