~ benjamin franklin ~

Start from the beginning

Walking side by side, we enter the diner.

I order a coffee and a slice of pie, well Spencer orders a cookie, already holding coffee in a to go cup.

We sit silently for a while, my breathing becoming a bit more erratic with each second that passes.

Mumbling a thank you to the tired looking waitress, I take a slow sip of my warm coffee, it easing my breathing for the moment.

Letting out a sigh, Spencer switches his sitting position, "68, 91, 275, 83, 720, 64, 12, 59, 30," he says, making me set down my coffee slowly.

"What?" I ask breathily.

Folding his hands together, he makes eye contact with me, "Repeat the numbers, 68, 91, 275, 83, 720, 64, 12, 59, 30," he instructs.

Eyeing him weird, I let out a deep breath, "Sixty eight, ninety one, two hundred and seven, eighty three, seven hundred and twenty, sixty four, twelve, fifty nine, thirty," I speak slowly, my breathing completely evening out when I finish.

Starring at the table in front of me, I close my eyes for a couple seconds, exhaustion finally hitting me.

"Ya, just a small box please," Spencer spoke softly.

Opening my eyes slowly, I'm met with a soft smile, as he places my pie in a to go box.

Standing up, he holds out his hand for me, me taking it gently, us exiting the diner with me leaning on him for support.


'He comes into my bedroom and  lays with me. He says it's god's will. I'm only 15. And I'm not the only one. Please help me!'

A call had come in from a anonymous female giving us a tip about child molestation that had been claimed to happen at The Liberty Ranch.

The 'he' she had referred to is assumed as the church leader Benjamin Cyrus.

He had no criminal record or any record at all and it was rumored that he's practicing polygamy and forced marriages.

Me and Reid are going to conduct interviews with each child along with Nancy Lunde.

"Considering their view on outsiders, I think it's best you don't identify us as FBI," I state, grabbing my badge and gun, handing them to the driver, Reid following in suit.

She turns to Reid for confirmation making me roll my eyes, "Just use our real names," he informs, "Introduce us as child victim interview experts," He instructs, earning a nod from Nancy.

Rolling up my jeans, I pull a gun from my boot, Spencer's eyes growing wide a the sight.

I flash him a small smile.

Pulling up to the ranch, we hop out of the car, it driving away.

The only person outside was a male, and from the looks of it, he was the boss.

"We're looking for a Benjamin Cyrus," Nancy says, earning his attention.

Taking off his sunglasses, he eyes her, "You found him."

The air around us shifted, and in that brief interaction I already knew he was a long ways away from worshipping any god, no, he worshipped himself.

"I'm Nancy Lunde," she introduces herself, "We spoke on the phone regarding the allegation."

He ignores her hand and instead leans back against the fence behind him, "Savages they call us, because our manners differ from theirs."

Benjamin Franklin.

"We didn't come here to hear you cite scripture, Mr. Cyrus," Nancy states, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Breaking eye contact with me, he turns to her, "Actually, it's Benjamin Franklin,"

She ignores him, "Tatum Cortes, Spencer Reid-"

"The child interview experts," Reid interrupts her, knowing she was just about to slip up.

Nodding, he studies Reid, "How far from god's word must we have strayed for there to be the need to invent a job called child victim interview expert." he asks rhetorically.

Sending him a small forced smile, I finally speak, "We wish we didn't have to be here," I tell him, earning his full attention, "So do we," he states.

It's quiet for about a second before he continues, "But you are welcome, nonetheless. The children are in the school as I indicated."

Fucking bastard.

I nod, "Thank you,"

Walking towards the building, the weight of my knife bracelet suddenly very heavy in my pocket.

Reid notices the solar panels, "You using solar power?" he asks, earning a nod from Benny Boy.

"Yeah. We're completely self-sufficient, electricity, food, water. Ben Franklin said 'god helps those that helps themselves." he recites, "You look surprised."

Reid shakes his head, "No, uh, impressed actually," he says, making me want to roll my eyes.

Ben nods in approval, "Thank you,"

Squinting his eyes slightly, Reid turns to him, "For what?"

"For admitting that,"


"You've talked to a lot of children in you work. Tell me, are their lives somehow better than ours?" Jessie asks, growing annoyed at our presence.

She was oddly protective of Cyrus, which kind of worried me.

Nancy shakes her head, "We are not here because of you religious beliefs,"

"Why are you here?"

Making eye contact with here, I speak, "We received a phone call alleging that an adult make member of your church was having inappropriate relations with the younger women here," I inform her, noting how she grows more angry.

Turning her head, she takes in a deep breath, "You're talking about Cyrus."

Tilting his head, Reid furrows his brows, "What makes you say that?" he asks.

Her mom places her hands on Jessies shoulders, "Jessie, come on." she says shushing her.

Clenching her jaw, Jessie glares at me, "Is it inappropriate for a husband to share a bed with his wife?" she questions rhetorically, earning wide eyed looks from all of us.

"You are married to Cyrus?" I ask for conformation.

She nods proudly, "Yes. Cyrus is my husband and a prophet, it's a honor to bear his children."

Letting out a small breath, I soften my expression, "Jessica, you're only 15 years old." I say softly.

"The state of Colorado requires parental consent,"

Eyeing her mom, I shake my head slightly, "She gave consent," I state.

The classroom door slams open, earning all of our attention, "Get up! GET UP!" Benjamin shouts.

"You heard him, come on, Stand!" one guys shouts, pointing a gun as us.

Me and Reid share a look, standing up with are arms in a surrender position, "What's going on?" Reid asks.

A oddly calm look was plastered on Benjamin's face, "We just got a very strange phone call from a news reporter." he pauses, "Is there anything you want to tell me, about a raid, maybe?" he asks.

Faltering a bit, I look at Reid confused.

"They don't know,"

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