It's 2020 and honestly? What the fuck

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It's 2020
It's been 2 years, the last thing I posted was sharing a character design for a rp that was supposed to be turned into a book but will probably never be finished (ShadeFinder hey remember that. Or me in general)

I came online today to check when this account was made, since I'm bad with remembering when events happened and I wanted to know how long I've known a couple of friends.

Afterwards, I've noticed some things about my account. Well just one thing, specifically about one of my books.

Why the FUCK is the book full of angsty free-style poems #86 in SOB?
There's a category called sob on this hellsite. I don't know why, but it was a reminder that this website is constantly filled with middle school kids so it's probably why that exists.

Then I decided "Oh, I'll look through my old misc. book!" Lemme tell you. I started two hours ago and I'm not even halfway through still, and I've given up on reading the rest of it because not only is it bad but I also don't want to get to the part where I met what ended up being a manipulative, dramatic bitch and getting nostalgic and wanting to go back! (Hey Cass if you're somehow reading this despite being blocked, I do hope you aren't STILL attempting to contact me and have made an attempt to get your shit together. Other than that, fuck you forevermore).

If anyone wants to find where I started reading this(I skipped some of the beginning), I left comments on most of the chapters I visited calling myself out.

This was a trip and threw me for a loop.
I still don't understand why I had a chapter where I just repeated "WHERLP" over and over again.
I cried at some point.
I'm never going through this book again.
Little sad I couldn't access the second account I made.
Goodbye hellsite(not really lol. This may be a graveyard but the living will still walk through them).

Oh, and to the random person who added this to their reading list last Monday,

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