I just realized how weird my brother is

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Me, my brother: *walking home together like we always do*


Me: *has a dark purple T-shirt, black leggings and a purple coat tied around my waist. Feels like I'm on fire and I'm going to go blind*

My bedroom: *dark, shady, always about 35℉. Basically a freezer when closed*

My brother: *wearing a thick winter coat and black sweatpants. Most of the sun is on him. Not even sweating. Perfectly fine*

My brothers bedroom: *not even ten feet away from mine. Bright. Sunny. Always about 90℉. Basically a furnace*

Me: ...how

My brother: I'm used to it.

Me: ...god damn you.


Isn't this basically what happened.

....like seriously. WTF.

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