Someone smack me. Another persona change!

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The word rang, echoing through the house like a voice through the hollowest tunnel.

That's all she ever was. That's all she said, all she thought.

"UNSATISFIED!" The admin screamed.
Knocking various things over, the young admin, Amber, as people know her, wiped desks and tabletops cleaned, splattering papers, pencils, paint bottles and brushes across the carpet floor. She turned to a shelf, with hang stitched dolls of all her previous personas sitting there, mocking the admin. Even her first one, the Ice goddess, mocked get with cruelty in her painted, button eyes.
"Why?" She asked, "Why cannot you satisfy my need for a face? Something people to look at and help them define who I am? Why?!" She cried out. She slammed her fists on the wall.
"Unsatisfied," she whispered, "All I'll ever be." She walked through the house. To her sewing room. She picked up her newest doll. Rae, the poison dragon, "Even you cannot do anything to aid me."

The doll hardly moved at all as Amber picked up a needle, slowly pressing it into the doll's heart. Amber simply left it there, patiently walking back to the shelf, and setting Rae at the end of the line.

"Why?" She asked herself, "No matter the face I create, the eyes, the hair style. The hair color, even! Why am I unable to be satisfied?" In truth, she didn't know. Nor will she ever, but, for now, the admin decided she wouldn't have a face.
"A mask. My persona will wear a mask. She will be blank." Amber looked up. "She will wear a white mask, with a grey shirt with sleeves too long, and bluish-grey pants that reaches down to the heels of her black boots. Long hair, tied back in a high pony tail, with a single, blonde strand. Almost like mine," She decided, "She will have no name. She will simply...she. No. She doesn't work anymore. It, will simply be."
And, with that, the admin went back to her sewing room, and began to sketch out what her newest doll will be.

" And, with that, the admin went back to her sewing room, and began to sketch out what her newest doll will be

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