I feel bored. so ima write something.

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It was dark outside, raining...pouring. I heard thunder in the distance. I smiled as I walked through the forest as the wind picked up. I hear a rustle in the darkness that is my world. A mouse, perhaps. I felt colder then usual.
I jumped at the sound of the gunshot. And I started running...and running...for no reason. I spread my wings, despite knowing that I cannot fly yet. I'm too young.
A bullet skimmed my cheek. I tried to fly
Fly! Fly as high as the cloud dragons!
I told myself. Much to my surprise. I couldn't feel the ground. I couldn't touch it no longer. I rose higher and higher
One bullet after another shot at me. One hitting my leg and the other missing. I bit my lip in pain as I disappeared into the dark rain. Knowing I can no longer be seen. I rise above my clouds and collapse on them. Digging my fingers into my wound on my leg and pulling out the bullet despite the pain and the now larger wound. I layed there. Hoping I would die. And closed my eyes

So who knows what character of mine this is?

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