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"Father whom I love to bits and pieces, can you please help me!" I exclaimed as soon as I entered the place where I spent a hefty chunk of my childhood.

"I gave you that key for emergencies only, so this better be important," I heard him say as I entered the living room. Nao trailed behind me quietly as he looked at his legal grandfather. Nao walked over to Eri who sat in front of the tv watching Aggretsuko.

"What's more of an emergency than me getting married?" I whined as I slumped into the seat next to my dad.

"I need your help with stuff though like me and Hitoshi have already decided that Eri is going to be the flower girl and Nao is the DJ because he refuses to be the ring bearer-"

"I don't wanna hold the rings," Nao interrupted me as soon as he heard ring bearer.

"Why doesn't he want to be the... y'know," my dad asked avoiding the term. "Because he's scared he's going to drop the rings, I don't know, at least he's being honest?" I replied as I squished my cheeks.

"So why did you come here?"

"So... I was wondering if we could use Grey as the... y' know?" I asked as I shut my eyes tightly.

"Does Hitoshi know you're asking this?" My dad asked as he quirks his eyebrows.

"He suggested it as soon as I told him that Nao wouldn't do it, why? Do you want to do it because if so that's going to be a soft no because you're supposed to walk me down the aisle."

"This is what happens when two people who are barely adults plan their wedding," he muttered to himself.

"Are you saying you don't want to see grey in a mini tux?"

"I don't think that will be the best idea, I love Grey but he has no brain cells," my dad clarified, "He might eat the rings."

"Then it would be holy catrimony," I joked making my dad groan at the silly pun.

"Why don't you get..." he blanked for a second. "Who else can be the ring bearer?" My dad asked himself.

"This is a nightmare," i muttered to myself, "maybe we should just get married at city hall and not worry about all these things... it would be simpler and cheaper and much more enjoyable to the twenty-something people we're inviting."

"I did not raise you to be a coward," my dad scolded me, "how about Eri being the ring bearer and Nao being the flower boy?" He suggested.

"Eri was so excited to be the flower girl though, only if she wants to," I said as my brain did backflips at the idea.

"Eri," my dad called out, she turned with a cute smile on her face, "are you willing to be the ring bearer?"

"Do I still get to have the pretty flowers in my hair?" She asked.

"I will add more pretty flowers," I bargained.

She nodded excitedly at the idea of having even more pretty flowers. "Fantastic! Nao, you're the flower boy," I said with a sigh of relief. He nodded in agreement and continued to watch the show.

"What would I do without you?" I asked as I leaned on my dad's shoulder.

"You would probably be dead," he whispered as he patted my head. "Dark but true. There's also the matter of color theme, Hitoshi, and I can't decide," I said as I pulled out my phone to show him the color schemes that Hitoshi and I liked.

"Right off the bat I'm saying no lavender and to black and white."

"Why not lavender?" I asked wanting an explanation. "He literally has lavender hair, how much more lavender do you need?"

"That's true... and no black and white because..."

"This is a wedding, have some color," he said. I wasn't going argue with him because I did kind of want color.

"How about this one?" He asked as he pointed to the red color scheme.

"Red is a nice color, it's a lucky color," my dad said trying to justify his reasoning as I hadn't said anything yet.

"That's perfect," i whispered, I felt tears well up in my eyes. "Are you really crying over a color?" My dad asked, sounding a bit concerned.

"N-no! I'm just so happy I get to do this with you and I'm so lucky that you're my dad and-"

"That's not a reason to cry. besides, why wouldn't I help my dum dum daughter?" He asked as he patted my head. "Dadddddd," I whined as more tears fell down my cheeks.

We talked about more aspects of my wedding, what kind of flowers I should hold, how large the venue should be. "so is it just going to be 30 people?" my dad asked, sounding a bit supprised. "yeah, give or take. it's not like hitoshi and I know that many people and it's a special day, it'll make it feel more inclusive," I answered as I hugged one of the couch cushions. my dad didn't reply back. I looked over at him and noticed that he was looking at Eri, he had one of those rare smiles that I would only ever catch a glimpse of when I was growing up under his roof. 

"What are you thinking dad?" I asked, nudging him slightly.

 "it just amazes me that I've come full circle. I got you and I would always find myself watching cartoons while having to 'listen' to Hizashi or Nemuri talk about how difficult their jobs are. when they asked how my job was going I would tell them how you had an unquenchable appetite and would always apologize for little mistakes. I would worry about you all the time and even begged for Nemuri not to tell you or Hizashi. It was also the worry of you not being able to handle the world, so I vowed to take care of you to the best of my ablilties. I don't know, see you grow up to the hero you are today has really made me have hope for the future of Eri," my dad said, I didn't expect him to say so much. (I lowkey cried while writing this)

my vision became blurry as I hugged my dad tightly. I felt him stiffen a bit at the sudden sign of affection. "I'M SO GLAD THAT I GET TO CALL SUCH A GREAT MAN MY FATHER!" I yelled as I buried by face into his chest. I felt him pat my head gently my tears cascaded onto his plain black shirt. "why do you have to be so emotional?" he muttered.

"you would be too if an emotionally constipated father figure said he was proud of you," My voice was muffled but it got the point across. I got off of him and wiped the rest of my tears off of my face. "I don't understand, you've cried twice today-"

"I also cried while I was at my apartment, I've been very emotional today," I interrupted as I patted my cheeks. "ms. y/n, why are you crying now?" I heard Nao asked as he turned to look at me. "it's nothing, I'm just being a baby," I replied as I grinned. 

"you're going to be a raisin if you keep crying," Nao added, "she's cried like 5 times on the way here." he said as he turned to Eri. "why are you so sad, y/n-chan?" eri asked sounding concern. "o-oh i'm not crying because I'm sad, I'm just really happy. don't you worry about me Eri, all you need to worry about is finding you the prettiest dress for you to wear at my wedding!" I said with a wide smile plastered on my face.

eventually, nao and I had to leave. I gave my dad one last hug before having a small chat with eri. "Make sure you give him a hug today, okay? Dad's being his old grumpy self again," I said as I fixed her hair a bit. She nodded happily and gave me once last hug before Nao and I left my old familiar territory. 

the drive back home was quiet. Nao had fallen asleep in the back seat and I was left to listen to the soft melody that emanated from the radio. I couldn't help the small smile I had as I drove. I was going to get married. The beating of my heart grew faster and faster at the thought of it, getting married to my bestest friend in the whole world. it's not something anyone could say.

I wouldn't trade it for the world.


Hey guys :)

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, I tried to make it as long as I possibly could and I hoped you liked it. 

on a slightly unrelated note, you should follow me on Instagram @_jincent_ , I mostly post art there and I would be very grateful for it. you don't have to though! I don't wanna sound pushy, I'd just thought I let you guys know ╥﹏╥

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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