a friend

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Hitoshi couldn't really pay attention in class as he kept thinking about y/n. Why did she want to sit with him? Why was she yelled at by the teacher on where her dad was.

"Shinso! Pay attention as this may be on your test." The teacher said making him pay attention to the class.

After class he walked over to room 1-a.  He just wanted to see if you wanted to walk home with him. Because that is something that friends do right?

"Shinso-chan!" He flinched when someone yelled his name out. He turned to see y/n in her gym uniform that had rips around the arm area.

"Did you really have to yell out my name?" He said flicking her forehead slightly. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean for you to get flustered!" She said rubbing her forehead.

"I thought we could walk home together because we're..... friends." He said 'friends' slowly. Just then Kaminari walked past and did the 'friends' clap pattern.

"Dammit Kaminari!" Y/n yelled. Hitoshi sighed. She's being too loud. "L/n, shall we get going?" Hitoshi sighed again getting impatient.

"Let's go!" She said with excitement. Hitoshi rolled his eyes.

"So why did you want to walk with me home? I'm sure there has to be a reason but you seemed to not want me at the table you were in. You acted very cold and I completely understand like my dad is also really cold but he likes to hang out with me. Well like is a strong word. He....tole-"

"You talk too much." He said bluntly not really caring if she was done with her thoughts or not.

"IM SORRY! How was your day Shinso-chan?" She asked politely and slightly embarrassed.

"It was tedious. Not much of anything happened." He said calmly. Y/n nodded slowly showing that she understood as her day was long and not much happened.

"At lunch you said that my quirk is better than yours. Well I think that's a load of crap. After all you got into the hero course and not me." He said after they walked about 2 blocks.

"Yeah well what I did can't be done all the time. During the entrance exam there were these gigantic robots and I unscrewed their legs causing them to fall and destroy them. But my dad saw that and was disappointed because he said that was reckless of me to do. So I totally think your quirk is better than mine." Y/n explained. Shinso sighed in disbelief. Whoever y/n's dad was should just be proud of her for being one of 300 applicants to be accepted he thought to himself. It wasn't like getting in to U.A was the easiest thing to do.

"Your father sounds like a ......tough person to impress." He said. Shinso wanted to insult her dad but that wouldn't be a good way to keep a friend.

"Yeah, I guess it's because I have a flashy quirk that could be helpful he just wants me to do the best that I can." Y/n said shrugging her shoulders.

"Has he ever said that he's proud of you?" He asked. Y/n thought for a while and realized that her dad never said such a thing but then again he wasn't obligated to.

"I don't think so. Who knows maybe he is on the inside." Y/n said hopefully.

After a few minutes of talking to each other Y/n realized that she has walked past her destination.

"Oh my gosh I'm pretty sure that I walked way past my house! I'll see you tomorrow!" She said as she was about to turn around.

"Bye." He said and continued on his way.

Y/n smile. She finally after a whole day of panicking and worrying about making a bad impression y/n had a friend.

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