a game

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We walked the kid to the police station, I was so confused. What were the splatters? Were they blood stains or cranberry juice? And why do they want to be like me? I suck.

"So Nao, are you hungry?" I asked the boy as we walked down a bright part of town. He nodded slightly.

"I know a place that's open around this time." Hitoshi said as we made a left.

"Great! Now tell me a bit about yourself Nao." I said as I grabbed him from Hitoshi. Nao was a small kid and actually kind of reminded me of.... Well, me. A scrawny kid that seemed to be very fragile. But I highly doubt it's because of his quirk.

"Well, ms. L/n my mommy isn't my real mommy, she's my auntie but my real mommy thought it would be better that I lived with auntie." He said as he laid his head on my shoulder.

"That's okay, my dad isn't really my dad but I still love him." I replied empathizing with the kid, I was not much older than him when my dad found me.

"And I can funny pictures show up like they are real." He continued. "Ooh, like what kind of pictures?" I asked, a kid with an illusion quirk.

"Like that!" He said pointing at the mail box, which disappeared when I turned around to see if it was really there once we walked past it. "That's really neat bud. So what do you want to be when you grow up?" I asked curiously.

"I wanna be a hero! Just like you and Mr.Shinsou!" He said excitedly. I really wanted to cry out of just straight up wholesomeness, like reader I don't think you understand how heartwarming it is for a toddler to call you a hero.

"Oh y/n~" I heard a voice coo from the alleyway we walked past, "Let's play a game Y/n, that's what good siblings do."

"Do you hear that?" Nao asked, he was shaking a bit but I'm not sure if it's because of low blood sugar as he hadn't eaten yet or from fear as if he heard the voice before.

"How fantastic, you brought your little boy toy along with you. He's so handsome." The voice continued as I heard footsteps click down from the alley.

"I'll investigate." I said handing over Nao to Hitoshi. He nodded and stood behind me.

"See, I knew short hair would be better for you, you look just like mom now." A figure moved into the light, she had black hair and dead inside eyes.

"Jincent? Wait, no you aren't her. She's missing." I said shocked at the sight before me. "Well dear Ms. Jincent Gomez will be back to school in a matter of days. Dead? Alive? Who cares because what really mattered is that I got to meet you, in person after all these years." She said walking towards me.

"I don't know you then," I said pushing Hitoshi back "who are you?"

"Who am I? Who am I? WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SAYING?" She yelled the last part angrily at me. She got really closed to my face. "Did dad not mention me?" She questioned.

"Clearly not." I said puffing my chest so she'd back off. "I'm your sister and frankly I don't APPRECIATE you accusing me of these accusations!" She said with a fake hurt in her tone.

"After years of waiting for the right moment to meet you, you accuse me of murder? I mean sure I killed his aunt and his mother is long gone dead but I did it for you Y/n! All of it for you! I told dad of my little charade and he was happy to allow me to use his quirk for this, a good cause!" She said grabbing my shoulders.

I was shocked and all I could think about was "wow, my entire family is crazy."

"What's your real name then?" I asked not knowing what else to ask. "Toki. My name is L/n Toki and FRANKLY I don't really like you Y/n, you're everyone's favorite. Mom and dad's favorite kid. BUT WHERE WERE YOU WHEN MOM GOT ARRESTED THE FIRST TIME? Oh right! You caused her to get arrested for being too stupid to figure out your own quirk!" She said as she shook me by the shoulders. I punched her. Pure and simple and she fell to the ground cold.

"What a nice family, love that they commit straight up identity theft AND murder." Hitoshi said. I held back a chuckle. Nao was sniffling a bit, after all his guardians were dead.

"I hate games." I said as I picked up the unconscious Toki.

"Now we have to go straight to the police."

"Ms. L/n?" I heard Nao asked quietly. "Yeah bud?" I replied just as quietly as to not startle him. "Can you hold my hand?" He asked, reaching out to me. I smiled slightly and held his hand as we walked to the police station.

We walked a couple more blocks to the local police station. I opened the door and approached the front desk. There sat a older woman with grandmotherly glasses and a frown.

"Hi, um so lovely night having right?" I said not sure how to bring up that we caught a murderer who's also my previously undisclosed sister whom also had apparently kidnapped 3 people and only killed 2 and made a child an orphan.

"Sign these papers and we'll get back to you." She said annoyed handing me a clipboard.

"Right but can we put her in a cell? She's really dangerous and-"

"If she was that much of a theat you should have called." She said snarkly. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone from my pocket. I called the number on the desk and the phone rang behind her. She rolled her eyes and picked up the phone.

"What do you want?" She said keeping eye contact with me.

"Hi, yes, I'm currently holding a nearly serial killer who killed this child's," I pointed at Nao, "mother and aunt, she's also responsible for the kidnapping of that American Exchange student, Jincent Gomez. Now can I put her in a cell, you apathetic prune."

why are you like this? (Shinsou Hitoshi x reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat