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I was excited for later that day, sure i was freaked out earlier but now I was ecstatic. I had already made my dad some rice and chicken that he just needed to heat up in the microwave and he would be all set. I told Hitoshi to meet me in class 1-A because well last time we met up at his classroom i found out I getting stalked.

"Y/n?" I looked over at the door to see my darling prince of exhaustion, Hitoshi.

"My dear! My darling boy! My moon and stars," I said as I sauntered over to him, "oh how I've missed you." I whispered into his ear which made him shiver a bit.

"Hello Y/n," he said carefully looking at my dad who didn't really care. Well he cares about me but he trusts that Hitoshi won't upset me so essentially Hitoshi could get away with murder and yet still end up on my father's good side, but murder is illegal, unless it self defense.

"I got you this for the stake out, I'm pretty sure this will fit you just fine!" I said holding up a opaque green bag.

He opened the bag to find a long black trench coat and a turtle neck sweater, but not just any trench coat and turtle neck but in fact a-

"Oh my god this is the first draft of eraserhead's costume, the trench era" Hitoshi said excitedly, his eyes widen making more visible his lavender eyes.

"The shortest lived era as it was very difficult to fight in the coat but he lookes so snazzy." Hitoshi whispered to himself quietly. I snickered a bit, snazzy, I looked over at my dad who wasn't playing any attention to what had just been said.

"Alright now you go change and then come back because I'm going to fix your hair." I said nonchalantly.

"What's wrong with my hair?" He asked sounding a bit hurt. Oh no, I've committed a crime.

"It's just too iconic to go sleuthing with." I said as I grabbed his face gently, his skin was so soft and somewhat dry.

"Oh!" He said as he grabbed the bag and walked out the door quickly.

"I did look snazzy with that coat, maybe I should bring it back, not for hero work though because honestly that was a nightmare to work with." My dad said seriously not looking up from his computer.

"You did look great," I said happily "now to change into my outfit." I muttered as I grabbed my bag, I was a black knitted sweater with some black loose jeans and black combat boots. Stylish and functional.

I walked to the locker room to change, which was uneventful. I know that we have to keep an eye out for any weird activity around a few of my classmates as there's supposedly a traitor. But who to start with? I guess I'll let Hitoshi pick because I would take hours for me to choose.

"Should my hair be longer or short?" I whispered to myself.


"Thanks" I proceeded to cut my hair til it was a length that I wasn't very recognizable from my side profile and could cover my face. It's not like it really matters, I could make my hair grown back easily with my quirk, multiplication of cells and all.

I exited the locker room and was half way to the classroom when I realized, who the hell was in there? Who answered my question? I didn't see anyone in there and no one walked in.


"Woah!" I heard Hitoshi say as I entered the room again.

"Nevermind that, sit in the chair." I said as I grabbed a comb and gel from my bag.  I combed his hair quickly and added a bit of gel for that slicked back effect. He stop up and fixed his coat and looked at me.

"I see you're rocking a nice semi-spy look." He said with a smile. "But what made you cut your hair shorter? I mean I love it but why?" He asked touching my hair.

"A voice in the locker room told me so, let's get out of here." I said quickly. "Alright dad we'll be back in the apartment by 2am, don't stay up too late and don't feed Grey too many snacks, he's too thick." I said as I dragged Hitoshi by the hand.

"Alright." He replied back tiredly.

"Okay dear, so I was tasked to investigate all of my classmates, so choose one." I said handing him a roster filled with all the names and addresses of my classmates.

"Let's try Midoriya and Bakugo's neighborhood first." He said calmly. I smiled, I'm glad that I was bringing Hitoshi with me, so many decisions were just made in about 10 seconds.

"Alright, let's go." I said offering my hand for him to hold. He smirked and took it. I knew their neighbor well as I used to live there before my mom dangled me off a building. Fun.

Hitoshi and I talked to each other, well actually it was mostly me as Hitoshi is more of the Aizawa type and I was the Yamada type. Very opposite people who seemingly worked in harmony.

"Do you have any friends other than me?" I asked concerned, I've never seen Hitoshi talk to anyone else which concerned me because I also don't have many friends making us both a strange hermit thing.

"Of course not, no one wants to talk to me and I'm not like you, a very social butterfly." He said poking my cheek softly.

"I'll have you know that I'm in fact not that, you're my only friend and my boyfriend. So one of us can function in society and the other one can't but looks like they can which sucks because gosh darn it what does that tell about us?" I said as we reached the roof.

"We're socially awkward hon. Just the way it's always been."

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