Kissed Confidence

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After  the interview I had with Hatsune everything seemed to go back to normal. Well other than I had a child now, people still don't like me and on occasion bakugou would make fun of me for being called Juliet by the public. But other than that things have been going great.

Hitoshi and I like we usually did satin the cafeteria. Just me and him, it's nice we talked like we usually , held hands under the table, an exchange notes with each other since while he was smarter than me anyway and I had the hero notes.

"Hey, why  don't we have a date tonight?" He said rubbing his hand on his neck nervously. I looked at him with a smile. He's asking me on a date, isn't that so sweet?

"how can I say no to a face like that? Anyway you want me to dress in particular?" I questioned, leaning my head on my hands to show that I was listening to him.

"Maybe a semi casual look?"  he asked with a slight smirk, "this has will have been our 2nd date."

"Unless you count the park, that was pretty romantic~" I teased as I caressed his face. "Yes, nothing is more romantic than watching for anything weird in a classmate's neighborhood and then catching a murderer." Hitoshi said sarcastically.

"Don't forget that we also slept together~" I said wiggling my eyebrows. Hitoshi busted out laughing. "Yes, very sexy, crying in bed and practically being a koala bear." Hitoshi said holding my face gently.

"I wasn't holding you like a koala bear." I said quietly to him as I leaned in closer to him. "Very observant, I was talking about me. I just want to stay home, sleep all day, work at night-"

"You're really just a cat in disguised aren't you." I interrupted him as I leaned closer. "Oh no, you found me out." He said with a smirk.

I looked into his lavender eyes and down at his lips.


I pull his ties to jerk him closer to me. Our lips connected. It was quick but it's a kiss I'll never forget.

I pulled away and leaned back. I didn't look up at him. I didn't hear him say anything.

Crap I messed up! He's going to break up and I'm going to have to change my hero name. But that name will linger with me forever! After all it's all over the news ! The star crossed lover: Juliet. His is or rather, will be identical, the Mind controlling hero: Romeo.

Maybe we shouldn't have matching hero names, one day he'll get tired of me and move on and find a better girl that probably looks better than me and isn't like my gross quirk.

My quirk is so gross! I don't understand how I go here, to this school, to this mind set even. No, I can't think like this! This is no way to be a hero.

"Hey Aizawa! Get out of here, don't you have an internship!"

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