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"Hey Aizawa! Get out of here, don't you have an internship!" I heard a voice say. I looked up, had I really just had a nervous breakdown through the rest of lunch?

"I have mine at night." I said quickly as I ran out of the lunchroom. I ran back to class. I was alone, my fellow classmates all had internships OUTSIDE of Musutafu, I on the other hand chosen to stay. I always had a mentor but now he doesn't just see me as his daughter.

"Let's get a move on L/n, we have a lot of training to do." I heard my father's stern voice say. He didn't usually call me that, not even in class. He meant buisness.

"Come on, we don't have all day." My fath- Aizawa said as he moved his hair from his eyes. "Are we doing patrol today?" I asked as I stood up quickly.

"No, we're doing something that I deem far more important, it'll be quick if you get it right and you should have plenty of time to go on your date." My dad said the last word with a sigh.

"How'd you-"

"This time he asked for permission to take you out, this will be date number 3 correct?" My dad asked. I nodded quickly. "Interesting."

My dad walked quickly in front of me, his footsteps were audible in that empty hall, well that and my hopefully less audible breathing that's being caused by my extreme fear of what my father has planned.

If my dad says it's quick then I did something wrong and clearly need to change something. He said something nearly identical when I carried around my medical case everywhere, I even slept with it under my pillow. That time he made a bunch of heroes punch me to prove that nothing would happen and I would feel no pain. It worked but now I tense up when I see those heroes.

My dad opened the door of a support lab? He motioned me to come in and not being stupid I followed him inside. That's when I saw her.

"What? Are you not satisfied with what you see?" My da- Mentor said motioning to the long dark hair, ghostly pale skinned girl with the blue eyes.

"I know that I was being impersonated before but I can assure you that I'm the real deal, the real-"

"Jincent Gomez, the American exchange student." I interrupted which I immediately regretted. I covered my mouth with shame. "That's right, most people call me Cent, it's nice to meet you, my first actual client." She said with a smile.

She stuck out her hand for me to shake. I grabbed it carefully. She's okay, all she had was a scar on her cheek which could've been given to her by anyone really.

"This was given to me by my captor, Aizawa. She wanted me to make sure that I didn't leave." Cent said. How strange, it's as if she can read my mind.

"Oh I can," she said proudly, "my quirk is useful as I can figure out what a client wants before they even ask for it."

"Aizawa, I want you to voice what you want your carry-on weapon to be." My dad said calmly leaning onto the desk.

"So what do you have in mind?" She said turning back to me. I don't need a capture weapon like my dad, I'm practically a capture weapon as it is, a defensive weapon is what I need.

"You want a capture weapon? You got it!" She said as she wrote it down. She read my mind but it wasn't what I want it.

"Actually, I would prefer a defensive weapon." I said quietly. "You're going to have to speak up." She leaned closer to me. "A defense weapon would be preferable." I said a bit louder.

"Alright stop!" My dad said, I felt him lean on my shoulder.

"You have to speak up for yourself, express it dammit, you had no issue telling that reporter what you wanted, you had no issue with fighting your parents and sister! You only have this issue when you aren't filled with adrenaline. Speak up for yourself, a hero should at least do that." My dad said as he hit me over the head.

"Yes sir! Cent, I would like a light weight defense weapon that is small enough for me to carry casually." I said as I puffed my chest.

"Better, now go get ready for your date."

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