new beginnings

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twenty-two | new beginnings

ok, I feel like the last couple chapters have been crap! Please let me know if they are any good, my writing kind of sucks! I promise the storyline is headed somewhere but please let me know if my writing it any good.

One week later...

Harry just dropped Niall off at the airport, he was sad to see Niall leave. Harry and Niall had so much fun together, they went to the movies, obviously to all of the best food places because Niall HAD to try them all, did some sightseeing, Niall even met some of Harry's old friends, it was a blast, and Harry found himself really missing his best friend.


Harry got back home and decided to call Jack, he felt a little guilty but called him anyway.

"Hi, Jack! So how about that date?" Harry asked.


"Yeah, really!"

"When are you free?" Harry asked.

"Now?" Jack said.

"Sounds great!"


Harry and Jack went to the movies, it was nice but Harry couldn't help but compare it to his first date with Louis, it just wasn't the same but Harry agreed to a second date.

Moving on might be nice.


Louis' pov:

Same time:

Louis just woke up when he heard a knock at the door, slowly Louis got up and answered it. It was Oliver.

Oliver and Louis first met at the grocery store, Louis dropped his groceries, typical Louis, and Oliver helped him back to his car, he has been a good friend to Louis but keeps insisting on going out on a date.

"What are you doing here Oliver?"

"If you came here to ask me out again, we can't be friends, I need time," Louis said.

"How much time do you need? It's been over a year!" Oliver said.

"Olly, I was in a relationship for five years, I still love him, that doesn't just go away in a year!" Louis snapped.

"You still love him?" Oliver asked.

"Of course I still love him, he was my first real love, he is the love of my life, but it just didn't work out!" Louis said.

"Why are you here, Oliver? Did you come to ask me out?" Louis asked.

"I guess I did, goodbye Louis," Oliver said and turned around.

"Oliver just give me a little time, I'll come around!"



Harry's pov:

Two months later...

"Harry, sweetie, you coming?" Jack called from the front door.

"Yes, just a minute!" Harry called out.

"We are going to be late for the movies!" Jack called.

Harry and Jack started dating shortly after Niall left for London, they've had a good time so far, the movies kinda became their thing. Harry didn't want Jack to move in with him, he knew how bad that turned out last time. Harry slowly started to fall for Jack but in his heart, he always knew he would love Louis more.

"I'm here, don't worry," Harry said, leaning to kiss Jack's forehead.


After the movie, Harry and Jack were at Harry's house, cuddling on the couch.

"Harry, I have to go to London for a work trip, I was wondering if you would come with me, it would be a nice getaway!" Jack asked.

'London...London...I said that I would never go back there...I can't'

"Sure! I would love to see my sister and the boys, I haven't seen them in ages!" Harry said.


"Excuse me for a moment, I need to go to the washroom," Harry kissed Jack's forehead and rushed up to his bedroom but made sure to grab his phone first.


Harry closed the bedroom door and opened his phone.

"Niall, he asked me to go to London with him, I can't go to London, Lou is in London!" Harry said, freaking out on the phone.

"Then tell Jack you can't go," Niall said.

"I can't, I freaked out, I told him that I would go and that I would love to see my sister, which I would but, I can't go back there, I just can't," Harry said.

"Harry, either you suck it up and tell him why you don't want to go, or you suck it up and go and risk seeing Louis. Your choice. No lying. Besides, you might not even see him," Niall said.

"Ni, why do you always have the best advice? Even when I don't like your advice it's the best advice!" Harry admitted.

"love you, Haz,"

"love you, Nialler, thank you,"

"You're welcome, I think you have a decision to make, goodnight, Haz"

"Goodnight, Ni,"

Harry hung up the phone.

"Harry? Is everything okay?" Jack yelled.

Harry came down the stairs.

"Actually, I don't know if I can go to London," Harry said, sitting back down on the couch facing Jack.

"Why not?" Jack asked.

"Don't get me wrong, I would love to go with you and I would love to see my sister and the boys, it's just, I don't think I can go back to London, too many good memories that are long gone and too many bad memories that are still fresh," Harry said.

"I understand, babe, I really do. It's okay,"

"Thank you,"


Louis' pov:

Two months later...

Louis picked up the phone.


"Hey, Oliver, so I was thinking," Louis said.

"Yeah?" Oliver asked.

"How about we go on that date?" Louis asked.

"I'd love too!" Oliver replied.


thank you so much for reading!

sorry, this one is shorter!

I am starting to get excited about where this is headed! I don't know exactly how many chapters this story will be but I'm hoping it isn't too short!

treat people with kindness!

love you all!



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