worst nightmare

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eleven | worst nightmare

About five months later....


Harry and Louis have been living together since the end of July. One Direction has performed countless concerts, they were almost finished working on their first album and planning their first stadium tour. One Direction has become the biggest boyband in history and they only signed four months ago.

Oh and we can't forget, the Larry rumors have started, management is not happy.

"Hello?" Harry answered.

"Hello, Mr. Styles, Simon needs you and Louis to come into his office as soon as possible!"

"Okay, we will be there as soon as we can!" Harry said then hung up the phone,


"Lou? We just got called into the principal's office" Harry called from the kitchen.

"Come get your breakfast, we need to leave" Harry called out again.

Lou came down the stairs in nothing but his towel. He leaned over to kiss Harry.

"Okay just let me go get dressed first!" Louis said, turning to go back upstairs.

"Why do you need to do that?" Harry pouted.

"I don't think management would be very keen with me showing up in just a towel," Louis said going back upstairs to get dressed.

"Fine," Harry sighed, going back to make their breakfast.


Louis walked down the stairs.

"You ready to go?" Louis asked.

"Not until you eat breakfast," Harry said, crossing his arms.


They both sat down to eat.

"What if they make us break up?" Louis asked.

"They won't, they can't!" Harry said, trying to convince both himself and Louis.

"But what if they do?" Louis asked.

"Then we leave the band. The band isn't important, you are," Harry says while leaning across the table to kiss Louis.

"But what about the boys?"

"They'll understand, we'll make it work! I promise!" Harry said.

"You done?" Harry asked and Louis nodded.

Harry took his plate and put it in the sink.

"Let's go," Louis says.

They walk out the front door and Louis walks towards the car. Harry stops Lou and kisses him.

"We'll be okay," Harry said.

"Yeah," Louis sighed.

Harry drove them to Simon's office they were squeezing each other's hands tightly the whole way there.


"Boys! Come on in!" Simon says with an excited, yet angry, smirk on his face. Something was about to go down.

The boys sit down holding one another's hands.

"Explain this!" Simon says in an angry tone turning the laptop around to show a video of them on stage smiling at each other and a news article about Larry Stylinson.

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