lucky to have you

172 9 13

six | lucky to have you

trigger warning: this chapter has themes of self-harm. please skip if you need to or if you need to talk to someone I'm here. I didn't want to make it graphic as to trigger anyone, but if it does, please skip.

After that date, which we all can agree was amazing. Harry spent every possible minute with Louis.

It was now a week later and whenever Harry was without Louis, Louis was the only person Haz could think about.

'I love Louis! He is my Sweet Creature'

"Sweet Creature! I love that!" Harry said out loud.

Harry sat down to write the lyric down


Harry wrote the lyric down but instead wrote an entire song! He's never done that before.

He closed his journal and put it back on his bedside table.

It was Saturday and Louis had to work so they couldn't really hang out today.

Harry decided to take a nap, it was 1 pm but he really wanted a nap.


Harry woke up 4 hours later to his phone ringing. He looked at the caller id...Louis...Harry couldn't help but blush

"Hey, Lou!" Harry answered.

Harry heard what sounded like crying on the other end.

"Lou, what's wrong?" Harry said, very concerned for his Loubear.

"I-It's nothing, nevermind," Lou said.

"Lou something is obviously wrong. Please tell me" Harry pleaded.

"There is something I need to tell you. Can you come over?"

"Of course Lou! I'll be over in five" Harry said

"I love you, Lou"

"I love you too Haz"

Harry hung up his phone, put his shoes on, grabbed his keys and walked towards the door.

"Mum, I need to go to Lou's! I'll be home soon" Harry yelled.

"Okay Haz," Anne replied.

Harry slammed the door and got in his car.


"Lou, let me in" Harry stated standing outside Lou's bedroom.

Lou opened the door and Harry brought him into a hug while Louis sobbed into Harry's chest.

"I'm sorry Haz, I'm so sorry" Louis cried.

Harry picked up Louis' chin.

"Hey, don't be sorry. How about you tell me what is going on? Okay?" Harry said, moving to sit on the bed.

Louis calmed down and started to tell him why he was crying.

"So it all started in grade 9. You know how I am pretty popular at school because I'm captain?" Louis asked.

"Yeah...What about it?" Harry replied.

"Well, people started being my friend because I'm popular, not because of who I am as a person. My 'friends' treated me terribly, they told me I should kill myself, that I was ugly, that they deserved to be captain. I believed them."

"Lou, you are perfect the way you are, don't listen to them," Harry said, heartbroken about what he was hearing.

"I know. But I did, I listened to them, I believed them."

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