don't let me go

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twelve | don't let me go

Louis began to hyperventilate.

"What? Is he okay? Alive?" Louis asked.

"Yes, he is alive but you might want to get down here," The lady said.

Louis dropped the phone and ran out the door in nothing but his pajamas and socks, he got in his car and drove as fast as he could to the hospital.

'Don't die on me Haz! I can't live without you!' Was all Louis could think about, he was NOT about to lose the love of his life!


"Where is he? Where is Harry?" Louis yelled as he entered the hospital.

"Sir please calm down!"

"No, I won't calm down! Where is Harry! Harry Styles!"

"Sir, he is in surgery."

"What happened?" Louis asked.

"He passed out behind the wheel, he is in critical condition."

"Will he be okay?" Louis asked.

"I don't know," the doctor said.

Louis broke down, he fell to the floor.

He took a deep breath

"Can you call his mum and sister?" Louis asked.

"I left my phone, I was in a hurry," Louis said.

Louis went to wait in the waiting room


Shortly Gemma and all the boys walked through the door.

"Lou? What happened?" Gemma asked in tears.

"He was in a car accident, he passed out behind the wheel."

"Is he okay?" Liam asked.

"I don't know, they won't tell me anything else, he is in surgery"

Louis broke down and cried into Niall's chest.

Louis turned to Gemma.

"Did they call your mum?" Louis asked.

"Yeah management put her on a train so that she would be here as quickly as possible, she should be here soon, she was in no position to drive," Gemma said.

"Louis, Haz is going to be fine" Zayn finally said.

"I hope so...I don't think I would be able to handle it if he wasn't"

They all sat down waiting for something...anything...well anything except that...that just wasn't acceptable, Harry was going to live. Period.


30 minutes later...

Anne walks in the door and runs over to Louis, who is an emotional wreck.

"How are you doing, Lou?" Anne asks she is always so kind and genuine.

"I-I-I'm f-in-e, but- H-ar-ry" Louis muttered out.

"You're not fine Lou, sit down, I'll go get you water!" Anne said

"Niall stay with him, please"

"Of course!" Niall said and grabbed Louis' hand.

"Gemma, will you come with me?" Anne asked, Gemma, nodded, and left with her mum.

Once in the other room, Gemma and Anne hugged.

"I missed you, baby," Anne said.

"I missed you too, mum!" Gemma replied.

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