talk forever

312 11 14

two | talk forever

Harry went to his room and plopped on his bed. He had homework he needed to do that night but he could hardly focus so he decided not to do it, which was a first for him.

'Today was such a great day! I mean the beginning wasn't, but the end...oh the end, that was incredible!'

As Harry is reminiscing on the wonderful day he had. His phone began to ring. Harry was so zoned-out he almost didn't notice it, luckily he did though.

"It's Louis! He is calling me!" Harry screamed out loud. Louder than he ever had before.

Harry didn't want to wait for another second, so he answered it.

"Hello?" Harry said, in a cool way.

"Hi, Harry! I know it seems soon but I couldn't wait another minute to call you!" Louis said, nervously, on the other line.

"Hi, Louis! That's okay! I was wanting to call you anyways but I thought it would be too weird!"


Harry and Louis talked for hours, they loved each other's company and never wanted to hang up.

"So how about your family?" Harry inquired.

"What about my family?" Louis questioned.

" know, do you have siblings? Parents?" Harry said, unsure about his original question.

"I know what you meant. I was just joking."

Harry sighed in relief.

"Well, my mom and dad are divorced. I have five younger sisters. Lottie, Fizzy, Georgia, though she doesn't live with us, and the twins Phoebe and Daisy" Louis explained, taking a lot longer than he expected.

"Wow, you have your hands full! You're the oldest?" Harry asked.

"Yup! How about you? Your family, I mean."

"Um...right now it's just me and my parents are divorced, my dad is back in Holmes. I do have an older sister, but she is at university in London."

"Oh really? What's her name?"

"Gemma. She is my best friend. I mean I had friends back in Holmes but they weren't genuine, they only wanted to be my friend because I was popular. But Gemma, I can talk to her about everything! She annoys the crap out of me sometimes, but I love her none the less."


Louis pov:

Harry explained all of this to Lou and he just sat there listening in awe of Harry.

"Wow, It must be nice to have someone like that in your life. I bet you miss her!"

"Yeah, It really is!" Harry replied.

Louis sat back and thought about what they had just talked about, he was going to share how much he loves his sisters and how close he is to them, but then he remembered something Harry had just said.

'Did he just say he was popular?'

" were popular?" Louis challenged. He was very surprised but it made sense, He was extremely kind and gorgeous.

" was. Actually the most popular kid in school!" Harry said

Harry realized what he just said and needed to clarify.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to brag. I mean, most popular kids are rude, that is what most people assume at least. But I believe it is important to treat people with kindness, no matter what." Harry corrected.

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