"After coming back from my trip in Africa, realization hit. You didn't do it intentionally to me, and you honestly didn't know. So I told myself that I will take you to go get tested and if anything did come back positive that I would pay for your treatments. Or that if you got terminally ill from it I would take care of you until you got better or pasted."

"Like I said, forgive and forget. You got me back at the end of the day, and I deserved it. I'm not mad and wasn't mad either. Plus, I feel like we both did worse shit to each other over the years anyway." I say, remembering our fucked up memories.

He slightly smiles. "Yeah, we have, haven't we." he says.

"I swear you guys have a fucked up friendship." Joshua says, letting himself be known.

"Yeah, we do." we both say.

If I'm being honest, I wouldn't have it any other way. As fucked up as it may sound.

"Anyway, how many rounds did you and her go for last night?" Joshua asks, changing the topic.

Leaning back and propping my feet up on the railing. "Four." I answer, honestly.

"Four?!" they both ask, in disbelief.

"Yup, Shannon doesn't have much stamina when it comes to the bedroom." I answer.

"I know you must be butt hurt." Daniel says, sipping his drink.

"No, not at all." I answer, truthfully.

"She must of put on a show then for you to be just satisfied with four rounds." Joshua says.

"I only had two, she had four."

"Damn, you didn't get more than half of your limit in." Daniel says.

I just shrug, I'm not complaining. At least after all the shit I put her through, I'm just happy she let me touch her as much as I did.

"What's your favorite thing that she does for you in the bedroom?" Joshua asks.

A lot of things, but her squirting has to be my favorite. It's just a big turn on to me.

"Too personal." I answer, sipping my coffee.

"Well is she dominant?" Daniel asks.

Hell no!

"Nope, not at all, but if she was I can see us having a lot of sex related problems." I answer.

"Why? I thought you liked being dominated every once in awhile." Joshua asks, referring to my old fling, Vicky.

"No, I hate it with a passion. Even when she's riding dick, I make sure my dominance is known. The whole Victoria thing was an experiment at first, testing my boundaries." I answer. "I don't know why, but I just have to and I just like being the dominant one in the bedroom."

"I would have never guessed Shannon was submissive. I mean most tough business people who conquer others for fun, like Shannon. Generally turn out to be more dominant in the bedroom too." Daniel says.

"That's another thing I love about Shannon, is that to others she's dominant and independent, but to me it's the complete opposite. For me just seeing the total difference in her demeanor, pleases me on a whole different level." I say.

"For me I really don't care if a female is dominant or not. She just can't be over the top with it, how we be seeing in like movies and shit." Joshua says.

"Oh no, I'm with Lucas. I have to have a submissive behind closed doors, but a dominant in public." Daniel interjects. "It just hits different."

"Eh. I like it mutual." Joshua says, shrugging.

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