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Graduation was today. I was standing near the entrance of the auditorium, waiting for my red carpet moment. My last name came after both Cleo and Emery. I watched them both do heart poses with their hands. I had decided to do peace signs, but now I decided to change it to a heart, just for Cleo and Emery. I sign that we were still connected, no matter what. The person in front of me walked out and I took a deep breath. I stepped onto the red carpet, walked down to the middle, turned around and made a heart shape with my hands. People cheered. When I walked up to my seat, I saw that Cleo and Emery's jaws were dropped, probably regarding my sign to them. They smiled and I waved back to them. Ava walked down the red carpet after me, striking two peace signs before taking a seat beside me.

"Hey," I said.

"Hi, I can't believe this is really happening, and tomorrow's our last day of high school!" she squealed. I nodded politely and turned my attention to Principal Matthews.

"I am very, very pleased to announce Alcott Secondary's twenty-twenty-two grad class. Congratulations to all of you. I very clearly remember this class entering the school on their first day of grade nine, all a bundle of energy. These graduates behind me have achieved their goals in many different ways. Thank you, class of twenty-twenty-two for your hard work, dedication, inspiration, and of course, all the memories we will treasure in our hearts. Congratulations and good luck in your bright futures. Thank you," Principal Matthews smiled fondly, then passed the mic to Mrs. Denis, who had been our English teacher since grade nine.

"Hello, everyone. Thank you for coming to this important milestone for our grads. Today, I'm going to share a couple memories with you. In grade nine, during my first English class, some of the students went up to me and asked me what time class ended," started Mrs. Denis. I laughed because I was in that class, but I didn't remember who had asked.

Mrs. Denis continued, "Four years later, I'm the one asking them what time class ends because I don't remember things as well as I used to. The point is, these grads have changed so much in the past four years. Another time, we were on a trip to the theatre to watch Hamilton. One student sitting beside me, pointed at the actor who played Hamilton, and asked who that was. I burst out laughing, disturbing the people near my seat. I will never forget that, nor will I forget anyone in the class of twenty-twenty-two. Thank you and congratulations!"

After that, Sasha gave her speech and as I listened, I recalled fond memories with the people near me. This was a special class. Even if we didn't show it, we all loved each other. Not just as friends, but as sisters and brothers. We all had a special place in each other's hearts.

"Alcott Secondary's class of twenty-twenty-two, we did it!" exclaimed Sasha, ending her speech, signaling that it was time for us to get our diplomas. Principal Matthews handed out diplomas as one of our teachers Ms. Philipson called out students' names and the university or college they were going to, one by one.

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