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I had come to prom alone. The whole school was surprised but there just wasn't anyone right for me out there. I saw Cleo and Emery having so much fun and I wanted to join them, but Tilli, Raquelle, and their dates were making me take photos for them. Like I had nothing better to do. I spotted my classmate Caleb sitting near the exit, I walked over. He looked up and beamed.

"Hi, Paris," he said.

"Hey. Where's your date?" I asked, looking around.

Caleb shook his head. "I came here by myself."

"Oh." I stole a glance at Tilli and Raquelle. They didn't even notice I had left them. "Well, me too. Wanna dance?"

Caleb widened his eyes and stood up. "Yeah, for sure."

"Ok," I giggled, leading him to the dance floor. We were dancing when I bumped into Cleo.

"Oh! Hey, Paris. You look fantastic!" Paris smiled, hugging me quickly.

"You too," I stated, turning away. I didn't want Tilli and Raquelle to see me talking to Cleo and Emery. They would start teasing me about being a raspberry and I didn't want that at all.

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