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Cleo FaceTimed me the whole time she and Paris went dress shopping. Cleo had to choose between three dresses while Paris had eight choices. Cleo finally chose a pink and white ombre dress with sleeves that made her look like a princess. Paris' dress was royal blue and sleeveless but looked great all the same. I wished I was there with them. The doctor said I might not make it to prom, but I could go to graduation. Alcott Secondary took graduation very seriously. At the beginning of the event, there was a red carpet event where the graduates would walk down it, strike a pose, then join their classmates on the stage. My pose was going to be a heart since Cleo was doing that too. Then, the principal and some teachers would give speeches, our Valedictorian Sasha would share memories and congratulations to all of us, and then we would take photos at the photo booths and around the school. I couldn't wait but I still had to get through treatment for my injuries. Joy.

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