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Everything hurt. The only positive side of this was that Darrell had come to visit with Cleo and Paris. He brought flowers and said everyone missed me.

I groaned when Darrell had left. "I might miss prom, guys! I really don't want to!"

"Emery, the most important thing is that you're okay," replied Cleo. I offered up a weak smile and they crowded around me for a giant hug. I saw Paris' eyebrows crinkle in frustration, so I asked her what was up.

"I...um broke up with Sawyer," she answered, not daring to look at us.

"Aw...sweetie! It's okay. He doesn't deserve you," I said, meaning it.

"Yeah. Who does he think he is? But wow, Kristin's boyfriend...I mean, her ex-boyfriend just broke up with her too," Cleo said. When she saw us looking at her in confusion, she added, "Long-distance troubles." When did Kristin tell her this, and why didn't she tell me or Paris?

"Huh. Really?" Paris asked. Cleo nodded and changed the subject to prom.

"Hey, anyone want to boycott dates to prom and just go together?" Cleo wanted to know.

Paris shrugged. She probably didn't want to since she had a line of guys wanting to bring her to prom. I didn't care so I agreed, even though I probably wouldn't be going to prom.

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