We don't know where we're going, but we know where we belong

And oh, we started, two hearts in one home, it's hard when we argue

We're both stubborn, I know...'

Those lyrics meant a lot more now than he thought they would when he wrote them.

'Maybe I should release it, Louis always told me to, he said the world would love it...Maybe it will bring him back to me...no that's dumb, I can't release it, it's our song...but there is no us anymore, it's just my song...I don't know,'


Harry remembered their time in Paris and the sweet words that Louis once told him

"No matter how far away from home we are, the moon and stars are always there. If we are ever apart I know I can look at the sky and know it is the same canyon moon that you are looking at, even when we are miles apart we are never too far from home,"

Harry walked outside and looked up at the moon.

'I miss you, Lou' Harry thought with tears streaming down his already tear-stained cheeks.

Harry walked inside, crawled into bed and cried himself to sleep, he missed sleeping next to Louis, it wasn't the same. It has been two months since they broke up and Louis is still the only person Harry can think about. Louis' words played on repeat constantly in his head, even while he was asleep...he couldn't escape.


Harry woke up an hour later, it was harder to sleep 3 and a half hours away from Louis than it was when he was living only 5 minutes away from him.

Harry needed to move on, it was getting out of hand, I mean he was losing sleep. He just didn't want to move on, Louis was the one for him, but he was someone else's now.

'Even my phone misses your call'


For months Harry lost sleep thinking of Louis, the nights he did sleep only happened because he cried so much. The first month after their break up wasn't as bad but seeing Louis with someone else broke Harry's heart.

'I'm pathetic!' Harry thought to himself more than once.

Harry debated releasing Sweet Creature for so long, he finally decided he wanted too, he was going to release an album, maybe that will help get his mind off Louis.


Harry thought that creating an album would help get his mind off of Louis, but honestly, most of the songs he ended up writing were either about him or their relationship.

A part of Harry thought that releasing Sweet Creature would bring Louis back to him.


About a year after the break up...


Harry didn't really keep in touch with the boys. He still talked to Niall, they were best friends after all, Niall tried to inform Harry about the things going on in the boys' lives, Harry would text or call them every once in a while but it hurt a lot still. They were all still close, it was just hard, the boys reminded Harry of...well... you know. The boys kept in touch with Louis but Harry couldn't and it broke his heart.

Harry finally released his first-ever solo album, he was nervous, but mostly wanted it to bring Louis back to him.

Louis once told him that the world would love Sweet Creature if he released it, and he was right, like always.


A couple weeks later...

Harry went to visit his mom in Doncaster.

"Mum! I'm home!" Harry yelled as he opened the front door.

"Oh, Harry!" Anne said, running towards the front door with her arms wide open.

"I've missed you!"

"I've missed you too, mum!"


Harry and Anne sat and caught up, it was nice for Harry to see his mum.

"Harry, would you mind going to the store to pick up a few things for me?" Anne asked.

"Of course," Harry said accepting the list and walking out the door.


While Harry was at the store he heard someone say his name.

"Harry? Is that you?"

"Lottie?" Harry said bringing her into a big hug.

"What are you doing here?" Lottie asked.

"I'm visiting my mum!" Harry replied.

"I bet Anne loves that!" Lottie said.

"Yeah, she does!" Harry giggled.

"How are you doing?" Lottie asked.

"I'm doing great!" Harry lied.

"That's great, I'm happy for you, Haz," Lottie said.

It was silent for a couple of seconds, Harry was trying to build up the courage to ask something.

"I'm probably going to regret this but, how's Louis?" Harry asked.

"He's great!" Lottie lied, he was anything but great.

"I'm glad!" Harry replied.

thank you so much for reading!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

treat people with kindness!

love you all!


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