"I won't let you hurt Dream anymore!" Blue yelled, taking a brave step forwards and summoning a bone. Error quickly held his arm out in front of the smaller skeleton, preventing him from taking any more steps forward. Blueberry didn't stand a chance against Nightmare. 

At least, that's what Error thinks.

"Just stay back, Blue." Error instructed, narrowing his eyes at Nightmare's smirking face. "I'll take care of this."

Nightmare snorted.

"And how do you plan to do that?" He taunted. "Only my brother's attacks can work on me and, well, I don't think he'll be getting up to fight any time soon."

Error and Blue simultaneously glanced at Dream. The guardian was barely awake- it looked as if he would drop unconscious any moment now. He was covered in cuts and glass shards, smears of blood staining his face and clothes. It was a gory sight that made the two feel nauseous.

Nightmare was right. Without Dream's light energy, the two were completely useless. Error cursed, frantically searching his mind for anything they could do to escape this situation yet nothing came to mind. Nightmare grinned toothily and chuckled quietly to himself. There's nothing they can do to stop him. 

Dream blearily peered at his brother and two struggling friends, tears welling up in his eye-sockets. He wished he could help them. 

Maybe he could.

The guardian glanced over at his blue staff with golden-yellow stars at each end that lay a few meters away from him. If he could just reach it then maybe he'd be able to transform it into a bow and shoot an arrow of positivity at his brother. 

No, he didn't have enough energy for that. With no positive emotions nearby he had no way of healing himself. Dream closed his eyes in a mix of frustration and exhaustion until an unlikely idea came to mind. He reopened them, locking his gaze onto Blue. He glimpsed between the staff and his friend, wondering if maybe somehow....

It was worth a shot- and it fails, well at least they tried.

Dream lifted a shaky, bloodied hand, waving slightly at the two skeletons. Nightmare wasn't paying attention to him, he was too busy laughing to himself. Error noticed the slight gesture and switched his focus onto Dream, nudging Blueberry when the guardian pointed at him. Blue peeked over at his fatigued friend, watching intently as Dream pointed towards the staff then back at him.

"Why is he calling me a staff?" Blue whispered to Error.

Error internally face-palmed.

"No, you numbskull- I think he wants you to use it."

Blue's eyes widened in realization and he nodded. Nightmare's maniacal laughter soon ceased. He raised a non-existent eyebrow and folded his gooey arms, staring at the two skeletons. They were up to something- he could see it in Blue's now starry eyes.

"What are you doing?" He snarled, startling Blueberry. 

"Oh- I was just thinking about uh, um." He stuttered before perking up. "Tacos! Boy, I sure do love tacos!"

Nightmare stared dumbfounded at the skeleton. His best friend was injured and him and Error are powerless against him yet all he cares about are tacos?

He supposed that's understandable.

With Nightmare now distracted, Error hastily lifted his hand to the tear-like stains on his face, creating some blue strings and stealthily latching onto Dream's staff. He waited, leaning slightly towards Blue so he could whisper something to him.

"Quick- make a noise to distract Nightmare."

Blue saluted and ran off into the kitchen. Nightmare, Error and Dream blinked in unison. 

"Where is he going?" Nightmare asked, narrowing his eyes at the destroyer.

"Uh, he's thirsty. He's getting a drink." Error stammered, nervously chuckling and rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

Blue suddenly returned holding Keith the pet rock and wasted no time in launching him across the room. He stayed silent for a moment.

"I think something just flew across the room- you might want to check it out."

Error's eye twitched.

Nightmare stared disinterestedly at the two however turned away and approached the rock. How dare he throw Keith.

Error wasted no time in snatching the staff over towards them and shoving it into Blue's hands.

"I don't know what Dream expects you to do with this- doesn't it only work with him?"

"Uh- yeah I think so." Blue answered.

Error frowned, furrowing his non-existent eyebrows.

"So what does he expect you to do with it?"

Blue shrugged.

"I'll just bash him with it!" He exclaimed with starry eyes.

Error opened his mouth to say something however was rendered silent as Nightmare stalked back over to the two with Keith in hand. His cyan eye instantly locked onto the staff in Blue's hands and he snarled, placing Keith on the table beside him.

"What are you doing with that?" He hissed, two more tentacles sprouting out of his back and arching down threateningly at Blueberry.

"Blue- use it." Dream called out, voice hoarse and cracking. 

Nightmare glared at his brother and stomped over to him, looming over Dream like a vulture on it's prey. Dream winced, avoiding eye-contact.

"You're a real nuisance." Nightmare seethed. "It's time you went to sleep."

Dream shrieked in agony as his brother violently kicked him in the rib-cage. His vision blurred and suddenly everything went hazy and dark. The last thing he heard before succumbing to the darkness was Blue screaming his name.

"Dream!" Blue yelled.

He gripped the staff, staring at his best friend and Nightmare with empty eye-sockets. This was the breaking point. Blue bared his teeth, his bones rattling lowly as he trembled.

"I truly believed that maybe we could save you, Nightmare." He growled, lifting the rod up and aiming it at the corrupted guardian's back.

Nightmare glanced behind him, scowling at Blueberry.

"I believed that you could change!" He raised his voice, taking a step forwards.

"But now I no longer believe in you."



I don't know if this is any good I hope it is brush your teeth before you cross the road

The version I wrote yesterday was completely different cause Ink showed up but it was terrible so I scrapped it and the one before that Error was fighting Nightmare while Dream was knocked out but then I remembered normal attacks don't work on him so that got scrapped too

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