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Rylie's POV

"Momma, I need help. I don't want to live like this way anymore. I want to be happy. I'm tired of pretending. "

" Baby, listen to me." I kept my head down as she was talking to me.

" Rylie. I'm gonna bring dad up here okay. " I nodded as she got up and called my dad. After a few moments, both my parents came in.

" Ry, what do you want to do? "

" I don't know daddy. I want to be happy."

Wilmer's POV

She broke my heart. It's been several years since she called me daddy. I knew my babygirl was broken.

" Wil, we need to do something, quick. " Demi spoke slightly above a whisper.

" I know baby. "

" Dad, I wanna go.." Rylie cried out

" Baby, what do you mean? "

" I want to get help. "

I looked at Demi and she nodded.

" Alright baby, get some rest. Your mom and I will find you somewhere to go. "

She nodded and jumped onto her bed and quickly drifted off to sleep.

Demi's POV

Wilmer and I went back downstairs after we knew Rylie was asleep, and I knew where we were going send her.

" Timberline Knolls. "

Wilmer looked up at me and nodded without asking questions. I immediately got on the phone and called reserving a spot for Rylie.


" Good morning babygirl! Are you ready? All your stuff is packed and ready to go. "

Rylie's POV

I was so confused as to what she was talking about until I got from under my blankets and noticed I was wearing volleyball shorts and a tank top. I knew I was in trouble.

" what are you talking about? "

" we are going to Illinois. Chicago to be exact. "

" why?"

" you asked for help baby. So get dressed we are leaving for the airport in 15. "

" No! I'm not going! You can't make me! I hate you! I'm not going!"

" Rylie, you need help! You asked for it last night. I know you're going to hate me, but you need help baby. "

" No! I don't! I am fine!"

" You're going! No discussion! " My mom spoke with a powerful tone and I got dressed and walked out the door.

" I hate you both! " I yelled at both my parents.

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