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Demi's POV
I sat in my car thinking whether or not to go in. The lights were flashing, the voices in my head were going insane.
' It will take the pain away.'
' You deserve this. It was your fault that Rylie is the way she is. All your fault! Terrible mother. '
I got out of the car and locked it. I hesitated when I got to the door, but pulled anyways. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me.
" Demi! It's been forever! "
Robert practically yelled, which was unnecessary because it was silent. After a few more awkward seconds of staring, they all continued what they were doing. I walked up to the counter and he asked with a smirk, " The regular? "
I just nodded. I found a seat at the bar and looked at the drink in front of me.
" Why are you in here? " Robert asked
" Taking my mind off things."
" Demi... You don't belong here. "
I ignored his statement and took a gulp of the drink. It didn't burn going down like it used to. On second thought, it tasted like watered down cranberry juice.
" What the fuck is this?" I yelled at him sliding it back to him.
" You really think I'm going to give you alcohol with your past? I'm no dumbie Demi. I am not letting you hurt yourself again! Not under my watch. I care too much about you to let you do this. Again.. "
' What does he know? He used to give it to you when you were under age. Now you're legal. ' I gave Robert a death glare and he told me to come with him. I didn't object and followed him.
" What's going on? What happened? "
" My daughter tried to commit suicide and it's all my fault! My husband thinks I'm 17 years clean of self harm, when in reality, I'm only 3 weeks clean. I'm a terrible mother. "
" Dem, look at me. You're only a terrible mother if you go back to who you were before 18! Don't turn to drinking and drugs to get you through it. It's just going to hurt you in the long run. 3 weeks is better than not being clean at all. Look at your wrists."
I looked down and a tear escaped because of the scabs that were there.
"What does it say?"
" Stay Strong." I replied
" Exactly! So you are going to go home and talk to your husband! I don't want to see you in here unless you want to say hi to me. Other than that, I don't wanna see you again. "
I listened and walked out the door, to only be greeted by paps.
" Demi! Are you drinking again?!"
" Why are you here?"
" Is this your other job?"
I was bombarded with cameras and lights that I put my arm up to shield my eyes till I got into my car.
Wilmer's POV
I was sitting on the couch watching Rylie sleep so peacefully, until my phone went off.
' Demi Lovato Relapse? ' The header read. I opened up the attachment and it showed Demi leaving a bar and cuts scabbing over on her wrist.

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