Chain Reaction

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Demi's POV

I walked out of the house furious. Got in my car and drove. I couldn't think straight, all I knew was I had to clear my mind. I knew Rylie was hiding something from me. She had to. My baby doesn't just snap for no reason. I called Marisa and she answered on the second ring.

" Mar, are you busy?"

" Nope, what's up?"

" Can I come by? Wilmer and I got into an argument and I just need someone to vent to."

" Oh my gosh Dem, yes! Are you on your way now?"

" Yeah. I'll be there in 5 minutes."

" Ok good! I have time to let the ice cream thaw out."

I giggled because Marrisa always knew how to cheer me up.

" You're such a goof." I managed through my sniffles and hung up.

Wilmer's POV

After thinking about what Demi said, I went upstairs to talk to Rylie. Knocking on her door, I heard her sniffling.

" Go away! "

"M'ija, please let me come in. " I said jiggling the door handle, but there was no result.

"No! Go away!"

" Rylie, of you don't open up, I will get the key."

There was silence, and I was walking to my bedroom to get the key, when the door cracked open.

" Fine, come in." I heard her say.

I walked in and sat on her bed and opened my arms for her. She ran into my arms and I held her as if that were the last time I would ever see her again.

Rylie's POV

I couldn't resist the urge to run into his arms. He engulfed me in a tight hug as if that would be the last time he would see or hug me again.

" M'ija, what's going in that brain of yours?" He asked while poking me in the forehead. I couldn't resist giggling when he said that.

" Where has that smile been? I haven't seen that in a while!" He said smiling down at me.

I knew he was telling the truth and looked down and started playing with my fingers.

" Okay, all jokes aside. What's really going on? Why did you snap at your mom like that?"

I couldn't bring myself to look up at my dad. He held my chin up and asked the question once more.

" She is comparing me to her dad. I'm NOT her. "

' You know you are just like your mom, but worse.'

" That is understandable, but what about everything else? Not eating? I can't recall the last time you ate dinner with us."

" how can you? You and mom are never home!"

I didn't mean for that to come out, it just slipped.

" I'm so sorry Rylie. You are right, we aren't home, but I'm trying, I really am trying to lessen my work load.

Demi's POV

I was still bawling my eyes out when I got a text from Wilmer. "Baby, please come home. We need to talk."

I ignored the text and my vision was blurred.

BAM! Everything went dark.

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