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Demi's POV
Blood... Blood was everywhere.
" Rylie! Babygirl! " Wilmer yelled rushing towards her
I stood in the doorframe. I was in shock. I couldn't physically moved.
"Baby, get in the car! We have to take her to the hospital." Wilmer said rushing towards the garage with Rylie limp in his arms. A tear fell from my eye and I just stood there.
" Demi! "
I ignored him and went to my bedroom and locked the door.
Wilmer's POV
Demi walked to our bedroom and I couldn't get her. I had to get Rylie to the hospital. I put Rylie in the back seat and drove to the hospital. After admitting her, I called Demi. No response. I texted her
' Baby, this is not your fault. Please just pick up. I love you 😘 and please stay strong. Don't do anything that would mess up your 17 years clean. '
Demi's POV
I sat on my bed on twitter. Wilmer called, but I ignored it. A few minutes later, he sent me a text,
'Baby, this is not your fault. Please just pick up. I love you 😘 and please stay strong. Don't do anything that would mess up your 17 years clean. '
I felt no emotion. What wilmer doesn't know, is I'm only 3 weeks clean. I ignored his text and continued scrolling through twitter. There were nice ones that made me smile, and there were rude comments. Normally they don't get to me, but today they did.
'Can't sing, you fatty!'
' Go kill yourself.'
' Go cut yourself!'
I put my phone down, grabbed my jacket and left. Got into my car and drove, I knew exactly where I was going. It was going to take the pain away.

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