Voices Went too Far

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Demi and I walked up to our bedroom, closing the door behind us.

Demi''s POV

" I saw them Wilmer."

I started sobbing in hysterics, everything I was holding on from the past few minutes came pouring out. Wilmer got off the bed and held me. We kneeled to the ground, because I couldn't breathe.

" Copy my breathing baby." Wilmer said putting his chin on the top of my head. I felt... Protected. Once my breathing evened out I looked at him and said, " What are we going to do? I tried so hard to make sure she didn't end up like me... Damn it! I am such an awful mother! I should of been here instead of touring! I could have prevented it!"

" Baby, you don't know if you could have prevented it. It may have been worse with you here. You never know. We should go talk to her. I don't think we should leave her alone."

Rylie's POV

While my parents were in their room talking about who knows what, I decided it was time to cut. The voices have been so dominant, I can't shake them. I put in my earbuds and play Skyscraper, by none other than my mom. I got my blade, locked my door and sat facing towards my door. Tears came spilling out when I got to the part of

' Does it make you feel better to watch me while I bleed.'

I cut on any clean skin I had on my thighs and wrist till I saw nothing but darkness...

Demi's POV

Wilmer and I walked down the hallway to Rylie's bedroom and shook the knob. It was locked. We knocked on her door, but no response. I was getting scared, because I heard her crying. I yelled, " Rylie, come to the door baby!" There was still nothing. I turned to wilmer and he was already going to get the key. We walked in, and there she was...

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