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' Beep! Beep! Beep! 'I awoke to the sound of my alarm. I hit the snooze button and went back to sleep.

Demi's POV

I was about to get ready for work when I heard sniffles from Rylie's bedroom. " Baby, what's wrong? " I asked as I climbed into bed with her. She didn't reply, but she snuggled up to me. I knew something wasn't right so I wrapped my arm around her. She jumped out of bed at the touch. " Sorry mom, I have to get up or else I'll be late. "

" Okay baby girl. Just remember, I'm always here for you. I'm gonna be a little late tonight, I have this big meeting, but I'll make sure dad is here and has dinner on the table. "

" Of course! " Rylie said sarcastically. I ignored her statement and walked out.

Rylie's POV

As my mom walked out, I turned around. " Mom. I need you. " I muffled. Of course, she didn't come so I went to get changed. I put my mom's hoodie on and skinny jeans. Off to school to went. Every time i walked through the hallways, I seized up because I didn't know if he would do it again.

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