Stay Strong

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Rylie's POV
I walked in and everyone looked so sick. I don't belong here. The director of the rehab facility introduced herself as Marilyn.
" hello! I am Marilyn. " she said extending her hand.
I just looked at her extended hand. My mom shook her hand instead, " I'm Demi and this is my daughter Rylie. "
" Well Rylie, let me show you to your room. Do you mind leaving your bags at the front?"
" what for? "
" we need to go through it, just to make sure you don't have anything that you could potentially harm yourself with. "
" No. I'm not leaving my stuff for you to check it."
" Rylie, come on babygirl. Just leave your stuff here. Let's go see your room."
"Whatever." I left my stuff and followed Marilyn. She showed us where things were and what rooms are for what and broke down the schedule.
" well ladies, it's almost dinner time. I'll give you a few minutes to say your goodbyes. Afterwards, Demi do you mind feeling out paperwork for Rylie? "
"Of course."
" Mom. I don't want to be here. I don't belong here! "
" Babygirl, listen to me. You may not see it now, but you need help. You told dad and I you wanted help, now here you are. "
" I hate you! I don't want you to come visit me! Get out! " I cried
" Babygi-"
" Get out! I don't ever want to see you again! Don't visit me! Just leave! " I cried even louder.

Demi's POV
After hearing Rylie say all those things, I left her room. I didn't even get to hug my babygirl. I knew she didn't mean any of what she said. I said the same thing to my parents when they put me in rehab. I just hope she gets the help she needs, I want my happy little girl back. I went to the front desk and filled out the paperwork regarding allergies and other health issues. When I got done, I went back to her room and heard her crying. My heart was breaking. My baby was struggling for such a long time, and I didn't even know. " Stay strong baby. You can do it. " I whispered as I walked back to the car.

Hey guys! I knows it's been a while since I've last updated, I've just been really busy. Can y'all comment ideas you guys want to see in this so I can continue writing?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2016 ⏰

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