"My friends!" Jimin laughed, standing up and embracing the vibrant black Marked alien who was at the front of the group.

Uncertainty filled me. Did I stand up to? Should I greet them too? I hardly knew any of their names. Then my eyes landed on familiar champagne Marks and resolve settled in me.

I stood up and made a straight beeline for the pale yellow Outworlder. He saw me coming and his round doe eyes lit up.

"We meet again," he chirped when I stopped in front of him. "Have you been beating Jimin against the counters more since we last saw each other?"

"Jungkook!" A beautiful cerise Marked extraterrestrial behind the younger gasped, as if taken aback. "We're in a public place. Honestly, use a filter before you speak once in a while will you?"

Jungkook made a face at his reprimanding companion. He gestured between the two of us. "Jin hyung, meet Jiyeon. Jiyeon, this is the old man of the group, Kim Seokjin."

"Nice to meet you Seokjin," I extended my hand towards the named Outworlder.

He truly was a work of art, not to mention the stunning Marks of vivid reddish pink that wrapped around his neck and ears. While Jimin's Marks wove together and crisscrossed, Seokjin's Marks were straight parallel lines that overlapped each other in a stunning design.

"Ah, so you're the girl that Jimin wouldn't shut up about," he said happily. "And please, just call me Jin. Only strangers or my enemies call me by my formal name."

I blushed at Jin's words about Jimin. I couldn't help but sneak a shy glance over to where the silver Outworlder was talking happily with the black Marked and fiery-orange Marked Outworlders. Had he really told me to his friends?

Then horror threaded through me. Oh god, what exactly did he tell them about me though?

Jin read the apprehension on my face and burst into an adorable squeaky laugh like someone wiping a cloth over glass. "Yes, he's told us about how you two originally met."

I groaned and covered my burning face as Jin and Jungkook both dissolved into laughter.

"I was actually at the club with Jimin when it happened," said Jungkook. He boldly rested an elbow on my shoulder. "It was quite the spectacle but it will be one of the golden moments of my life, so thank you for that."

Before I could answer solid arms snaked around my torso and pulled me back against a chest, consequently causing Jungkook's arm to slide off my shoulder.

"What's so funny over here?" A soft voice hummed above my head. "I'm curious, especially if Jungkook is using you as an armrest."

I stiffened a little at the warning edging in Jimin's voice but Jungkook was absolutely undeterred.

"Chill Chim." He lifted his hands in the air as if surrendering. "We all know she belongs to you."

I now glowered at Jungkook. "I do not belong to anyone like some pet. I'm my own person."

I swore Jungkook's Marks flared slightly and his eyes brightened at my words. "Well of course you are, sugar. I didn't mean any harm."

"Her name is Jiyeon to you, Koo," Jimin said above my head.

"Jealous much?" Someone from the Outworlder groups muttered and a few snickers rippled around them.

It would be a miracle if I didn't suffocate with the amount of testosterone hanging in the air. 


Cover Art by Suz333

Cover Art by Suz333

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