Grade A asshole

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Carlos POV:

I walk into the station with this grade A asshole on my hands trying to control my anger. But that's very hard when the person that abused the love of my life meantlly and physically for 7 years is standing in front of me.

Vanya took him from me into interrogation knowing I needed a break, I nod at her silently telling her my thanks with a look. She is a great partner.

We are both open books, so we easily get along. We've worked together now for almost 5 years.

I wait in the front , making conversation with the receptionist.  Then a thought hits me..

How in the fuck did he find my house, TK and where he works? He said he doesn't keep in contact with anyone in NYC, so...does that mean he has friends down here too? Well, small world then. But it's going to take more than popping up at my house to get TK back.

He's lucky I didn't black out once I realized who he was. Lord knows I would never be able to come back home to TK. I would have life with no parole.

Our ex's have been too comfortable showing up at my house, maybe I need to move. It might be safer for the both of us since he's with me almost everyday of the week.

We're practically living together. That house is bittersweet for me though. I always thought I'd be able to move into my second house with my sister , we'd both have separate areas we could decorate how we wanted without the other opinions.

I miss you Em, I know you would want me to do this though. I make a mental note to tell TK sooner rather than later.

"Reyes, can I speak with you?" The captain says to me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yes sir" I walk behind him as he leads the way to his office. We walk in, he asks me to sit down and I quickly take a seat wondering what this is about.

I've only been called in here when I got promoted but I haven't done anything to get promoted , I'm so confused at this point.

"I wanted to thank you personally for having dignity and honor with or without the badge." He said sitting at his desk.

I nod , thanks alright I can do that.

"It's my job sir." I say nonchalantly, everyone is supposed to hold themselves to a standard and being a colored policeman I have to hold myself even higher. We're already not wanted and liked by a lot of people, but me becoming a cop was bigger than me.

It was for all the Latinx boys and girls who wanted to become one but their family doesn't approve. It's for all the Latinx boys and girls who want to be a cop but they never saw someone who looks like them in this profession.

This is for them. Like I said before bigger than me.

"You are more than your job Reyes, you are one of the best cops we have in Austin. We have had some crazy calls but you are always there ready to cooperate and listen. You're supportive and you are compassionate. Any human that comes in your path is lucky to share the same air as you even if it is for a few moments."

I look at him surprised to say the least. "Thank you sir, I'm just kind to people always."

He nods picking up his phone.

"Vanya is in interrogation room 8" he looks at me responding, "Thank you Reyes is on his way now."

"Yes sir"

I nod getting up from my seat , rounding the halls ready to see Alex.

I have a calm mind and I'm level headed, let's do this.

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