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{Carlos POV}

"Mijo keep him around. He cares for you like me and your father do. He's a good one and I'm glad he's the first one you've brought around us. Even if you aren't together right now, don't let him slip away ok? I trust you to make the right decision mijo." She whispered in my ear right in front of TK and I blushed, how did she know we aren't together right now? I nod my head giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay I love you mijo, Bye TK hope to see you soon?" I roll my eyes at her attempting to put us back together. It already feels like we are but we still need to talk about somethings before he decides to be with me. He nods his head smiling while I just wrap my arms around his waist needing his touch. He leans back into me accepting my display of affection. I'm not surprised, this is his love language, I learned that over the past couple of days.

Me and TK walk back into the house after ma pulls out. I think she likes him, they exchanged some good looks from where I was standing and after she whispered in my ear I knew that I had her approval.

"Your mom likes me!!!! I told you families love me, one down a lot more to go but I'm excited!" I smile at him , my crazy baby.

"Yes she does like you, which is why we need to talk before I get her hopes up thinking you will stick around."

He looks at me and let's go of my arm sitting down on the couch farthest from me. I sit down knowing he wants space so I give it to him.

" I don't want to argue I just have to tell you a few things. Is that okay?" He nods his head at me tucking his feet under himself ready to listen to what I have to say. I love this man, everything about him... I don't know how I thought I could live without him.

"My parents are here illegally. Me and my sister got our papers when we were little but the process for my parents was a lot harder, and after Emily died they stopped trying. So when my mom called you in a panic , it was because she wouldn't be able to see me in the hospital if I went. That's why I couldn't go. So I really appreciate what you Paul and your dad did for me that night." He nods his head.

"It's unfair that good people have to live their life in fear everyday because of institutional things like ICE. ICE shouldn't even exist if you ask me. Where you came from doesn't matter! Why is it such a big deal I'll never understand. I knew your parents didn't have your papers that's why I knew I had to help you. Especially if Michelle was busy, I knew you had no one else. So thank you for trusting me enough to help you." I looked at him surprised but not really. I know his heart and I know he would have done it for anyone in my situation.

"TK... I don't know what to say I care about you so much and I don't want to lose you I'm sorry for everything that I said. I'll let you take care of me everyday if that's what will make you stay with me. You keep me calm and level headed at the same time. You make me the happiest I've been since Emily died and I don't want to let you slip away. I don't even know why I broke up with you I hate seeing you hurting and I'm sorry for all of the pain I have caused you and I promise not to do it again intentionally. I won't let anyone hurt you. I know we both need to deal with our past and there is still one person I have to tell you about from mine before I ask you to be with me."

I take a deep breath and start telling my story about him.

" I knew I was gay since I was 10, but I didn't accept myself until I was 15. I found this man who I thought I was in love with but I was wrong. He was just a predator who prayed on young boys finding themselves. I met him at the mall with my mom shopping and I thought he was cute.When my mom went into the dressing rooms he came over and gave me his number telling me to call him. I took it thinking I got a cute guys number, and we started texting the next day. He didn't tell me until a month into us texting that he was 22. I didn't think anything of it because he went to Texas state which wasn't far so we would still be able to see each other. He used me for 2 years. He would bring me around his friends and show me off, but I wasn't feeling good one day and he snapped at me. He told me I was just something to show off while he had a boyfriend on the side and that I wasn't his type anyways. I blocked him and didn't talk to him for 2 days after that. I went to school the following Monday and ma usually took us but she had to talk to my dad that morning. Emily was sick so I was walking to school by myself that day. I walked past an ally when someone pulled me in and it was him. He and two of his friends jumped me and I had to go to school with a few broken ribs and 2 black eyes. My teacher sent me to the nurse she gave me ice and tried calling my parents but I stopped her. I hadn't even told them I was gay yet. I was going to ease them into the idea but she said she had to call them. 10 minutes later my ma came rushing through the nurses office looking for me but I was just laying on the couch. "Mijo what happened? Who did this to you?" I was trying to hold back my tears hearing the worry in her voice and I just shook my head. "Thank you for the ice and letting me stay here until my ma got here." I said trying to smile and the nurse. she nods her head giving me a worried look as well and I look away not having anything else to say. I don't want to talk about it. What was I going to tell my parents ?? Hey mom and dad I'm gay and the guy I was dating is 22 and him and his friends jumped me on the way to school today that's why I look like this but I'm fine. No I couldn't. I sit in the car the drive home was silent. I got into the house seeing my dad stop working to go into the house. Great if he stopped working that means he would start questioning me.
I had to come up with something. Emily was the only one who knew about him. We were definitely over now. I had to change my number so he would leave me alone.
"What happened to you?"
"I got jumped papa"
"Because I'm an idiot for thinking I had a friend." I said truthfully even though he was more than a friend.
"Did you tell the principal? Are they in any type of punishment?"
"Yes" I lied.
"Maria, can you clean his wounds I have to get at least 20 pounds of milk today. Mijo, if any one else messes with you let me know. I will protect you with my life do you hear me?" I nodded my head letting one tear fall, I thought I loved him. I don't want my family to get into trouble over me. I won't let my dad get arrested and then deported over a boy. He wiped my tear giving me a hug softly aware of my bruises.

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