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Carlos POV

I miss waking up with TK in my arms but we had to get back to reality at some point. I grab my keys and pull out of my driveway locking everything.

I come into the station to clock in and I'm sent right back out to a call and I move quickly.

I get to the call seeing a white Jeep and think nothing of it. This is Texas , there are a bunch of people who drive Jeeps. I didn't think it would be TK my love sitting there fighting for his life.

I start getting witness statements and they describe a man with brunette hair and he's small but not too small. They all start giving me signs leading me to believe that it's TK , but I didn't want to think the worst. When I last texted him he was on the way to my house from the store. I had to come in because they needed backup people for tonight's shift.

I hear my name and I turn around knowing that voice.


I rush over seeing the love of my life strapped into his seat belt trying to get out. I almost get to him before the FD team holds me back. They try to tell me things to calm me down but nothing works. This can't be happening, right when everything is going back to normal, something like this goes wrong.

He passes out face first into the road and I break free of the FD team, no one is helping him.

Enough is enough, I pick him up and take him to Michelle , she grabs him asking for details and then she gets to work seeing my face. I said two words and she knew.

" I'm spiraling."

She grabbed him wiping the blood from his nose. She cuts open his shirt and does compressions to try and get him to breathe deeper. He's taking shallow breaths right now like there is something weighing down on his chest.

She cuts the middle of his pants putting alcohol on the long cut above his knee. I cringe at the site of him surrounded by so much blood. I back away from the truck seeing captain strand and his team pull into the scene. I rush to all of them so they can hear it from me before anyone else.

"Okay I need you all to listen to me. It's TK in the accident. He's in the EMT truck right now with Michelle I only saw one bad cut right above his knee.. He has shallow breathing right now , and Michelle is working on trying to get him to breathe deeper. We just have to all stay calm because I didn't when I first got here and almost made things worse."  They nod and slowly walk over to the EMT truck.

Owen hops in the back of the truck grabbing his hand

" I'm fine dad"  We all gasp seeing him open his eyes.

"I just spinned into the middle of the road , and the truck driver hit me from behind. Where is Carlos, is he still here?"  He asked, making me smile a little.

I rub the bottom of his leg, letting him know I'm here. He lifts his head, smirking at me "Hey baby, miss me?" I rolled my eyes at him.

" You know how to make an entrance don't you?" He smiles laying his head back down.

"Hey Michelle thanks for the address." We all looked at her confused and she just acted clueless.

"What address?" She stared at him and then he covered his mouth. I shook my head.

"What address?" I ask firmly but not so much since he's in pain from the crash & his dad is right here.

"I WENT TO YOUR PARENTS HOUSE EARLIER. Sorry not sorry for lying."  He said, closing his eyes, I stood there shocked.

My eyes must have been as big as saucers because Michelle told me to relax.

"Michelle , my dad doesn't even accept the fact that I'm gay, why would I be relaxing right now?" I look at TK, "What did he say to you? I'll call him right now." I pull out my phone when he sits up and takes it from me.

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