Manners and human decency.

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I move to put on a shirt after we got out of the shower but I hear the doorbell. I look at Carlos "I'll get it babe" he nods taking my towel off of my head.

I walk to the door opening it seeing Michelle sucking on a lollipop, I smile at her. "Hey Michelle , how are you?"

"Ahh so this is why you took off work today?" She said completely avoiding my greeting and smirking at me. I blush and let her in.

"No ma'am just needed to be there for Carlos today. He needed me" I said, shrugging. She hugged me smiling, then whispered in my ear "Thank you for the other day. He cares for you deeply. Thank you for taking care of my bestfriend lord knows after his childhood he needs someone like you." I smile sadly, rubbing her back showing her my gratitude at her words.

Just then Carlos walks out in some ripped jeans and a tight fitting tan v-neck shirt with all black nike AirMax 370's. I just gawk at him. What the hell? This is man is my boyfriend? I look at Michelle who winks at me and smiles at Carlos.

"Hey M, long time no see, I missed you. How've you been?" He said giving her a hug and I swear my body heated up seeing his arms flex when he hugged her.

Alright , snap out of it.

"- I came over to talk to you. Are you busy?" I take that as my cue. "I'm going to the store text me if you need anything?" Carlos looks at me sideways and I mirror his look. "Stay." I raise my eyebrow at him. "Why? She has to talk to you. I'll only be out about 15 minutes." He nods reluctantly. I start walking to my car when he stops me," at least let me walk you outside." I nod my head smiling at him.

"You don't have to leave TK, it's nothing too serious just his parents-"
"Papers." I finish for her. She nods looking shocked.

" He called me the other day and his mom told me. I stitched him up the night you were busy." I said as understanding showed in her eyes.

"Anything I can do?" I ask, feeling a little useless. He's my man, I should be helping him. This is huge and I still have to meet his dad. Then I get an idea, "What's his parents address?" I ask and she stares at me , " Text me." I say seeing Carlos come out walking to the door putting his keys in his back pocket opening the door for me. I thank him and we're outside.

"You didn't have to walk me, you have a circular driveway you know babe." I said a little embarrassed at all the attention his is giving me today.

"Just wanted to say I love you. And if we're going to be together, you'll have to get used to me doing these things. This is just human decency and manners." He said shrugging like everyone does what he does for me all the time.

"Come here, can I have a hug?" He opens my door giving me a hug and kissing me on the side of my head.

"You're hair is still wet baby, don't get sick." He said I nod and hold him a little while longer before letting go.

"Text me if you need anything from the store?" He nods pecking my lips.

"I love you too by the way. Have a good talk with Michelle, I'll see you in a few okay?" He smiles backing away from me. Even though he's at the door he still watches me pull off in my Jeep before going back inside. Oh this man, I reach the end of his driveway when I feel my phone vibrate. I press on the brake keeping me at the end of his driveway seeing it's from Michelle and I add the address to my google maps.

20 minutes from Carlos's house so about 25 from the store. I quickly push the direction button deciding not to bring anything since I don't know them that well. I'm five minutes away when I see a Publix and I can't resist going in. He has a family of farmers what should I get his dad?

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