~ biological relation ~

Start from the beginning

Truth be told the only one I learned from my research was Vore.

Everything else I just spoke about was learned well being a escort, people have interesting fetishes.

"50 shade-"

"Okay, so he has multiple fetishes, would makes since, the coroner did say are three dead victims all had different COD's," Hotch informs, cutting of Derek.

JJ nods, "So the kills were accidental, he just went to far,"

Rossi sighs, "I need a day off," he announces, looking disgusted.

"For?" Hotch asks, going over a file in his hand.



"You need to let go of her," Derek says, nodding to the blonde in Tristan Pentlys hands.

He was choking her, and she was turning red very fast.

"Tristan, you need to let go of her, she can't breath, you don't want her to die do you?" I ask in a soft voice, lowering my gun.

This bastard.

He shakes his head, "She'll be fine,"

"No Tristan, she won't. Look at her, she's hurt, she's scared, she doesn't want this," Reid explains, nodding his head up and down like he was explaining something to a 5 year old.

"No, she wants me, she-"

"No, she never consented Tristan, you now how important that is. If one doesn't consent then there's no trust in a realationship, you want that don't you, a realationship?" I ask.

He nods, "Ya, I do," he mumbles, his grip loosening a bit.

I let out a small breath of relief that we were getting to him, "I'm sure that's what she wants, but you can't have a relationship with her if she's hurt, if she's scared of you," I pause, noticing Hotch and Rossi closing in on him from behind.

The girl could barely breath, but had enough air that something was getting to her lungs.

"You have to let go, you need her, but you need her alive, okay," I tell him, at this point I was right in front of him.

Slowly I take his hands off her neck, "Just like that," I speak softly, catching Jenna before she hit the ground.

He was so preoccupied from looking at her, that he didn't start to struggle until Hotch started handcuffing him.

I paid no mind to his screaming, as I help the poor girl breath.


The plane ride back was normal, everyone doing there own thing, me sitting on the ground reading a book.

A small noise sounds from beside my and I look over the top of my book to see Hotchners dress shoes.

Closing my book slowly, I meet his eyes, "Yes?" I ask as politely as I can.

I hate it when people interrupt my reading.

Taking the seat in front of me, Hotch adjusts himself so we're facing.

"We're busy, all the time, so I figured we could just have are talk right here," He says, sternly.

I nod, sending him a forced smile, setting my book beside me.

I can hear Rossi let out a small chuckle at my facial reaction, knowing full well how much I hate my reading being interrupted from personal experience.

Hotch lets out breathe, "So you know your like- I mean, you're aware that- It's,"

"Yes, I know our biological relation," I answer the question he tried to get out.

He nods, adjusting his white collared shirt, "Um, so how do you want to precede?" he asks, causing me to let out a low chuckle.

"Hotch, this isn't a unsub take down, you can't command yourself how to respond to it," I state, using my mom voice I use on Tessa or Taylor.

"I know, I just- I don't know how to do this Tatum," he tells me, breaking eye contact.

"Tate," I correct, "Rule number one of being my biological father, never call me Tatum unless I'm in trouble,"

He nods, taking in the information before smiling a bit, "Does this mean you want me to be you dad?" he asks calmly, although excitement shines in his eyes.

"I'm saying it would be pretty awkward to work with you and not acknowledge our biological relation,"

He stares at me for a second, before JJ speaks, "That's her way of saying yes,"

Rolling my eyes, I pick up my book, "Rule number two, never interrupt me well I'm reading,"

Rossi puts out his whiskey as if to say cheers, "Learned that the hard way," he comments.

"You know, it's nice to know that you all don't know the meaning of a private conversation," Hotchner grumbles.

Derek shrugs, "There is not a lot of places to be private on this jet,"

I let out a small laugh, tapping Reid's arm, he was sitting on the chair I was sitting in front of.

Turning to me, he raises a eyebrow in question, "I finished my book," I state, earning a nod.

Turning to his satchel, he grabs one out, handing it to me.

"Thanks," I say, a large smile on my face.

He nods, going back to his chess game.

Opening the book, I start reading, causing Hotch to stand up to go sit by Rossi.

"Oh and Hotch," I ask aloud, flipping a page.

He pauses, turning to me in question.

"Never pat my head again,"

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