The War Begins

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        Ohio went over the plan again. "So, here is how we end this. After doing some scouting, we have counted 10 outposts plus the capital. We will all split off and take out each outposts simultaneously. Then you will head to the capital where we will take them all out and end this war before it starts. Let's split off." Everyone got split off and each team consisted of a red and/or blue, with about 1,000 Covenant units. They all split off and went to their assigned outposts.

        Tucker's team had the Arabian outpost. They went in and took care of it quickly. All of the other teams took out their outposts easily. Caboose's team had some minor complications. They had 20,000 soldiers to kill, yet their team consisted of 3,500 soldiers. They were able to succeed, but they lost 90% of their soldiers. Once everyone had taken care of their outpost, they headed towards the Capital of the country the Insurrectionists had taken over. Ohio said, "All of you down on the ground will surround the city and attack from all sides. I'll go for Sev. I have some unfinished business with our old ally.

        Once they got to the capital, Ohio's forces surrounded the city and started the attack. Even though Ohio had an army of 23,500 soldiers, he didn't anticipate that they would go up against three times as many. Ohio got into his armor and walked up to the line of attack. He said, "Wash, take about 1,000 of these guys and move into the city." Wash replied, "Yes, sir." Ohio moved into the city. 50 soldiers ran towards him, but they were interrupted by a voiceon the speakers. "Let him come to me. I will be the one to kill Admiral Ohio." Ohio recognized the voice as Sev's. He ran towards the city hall, where Sev would be. He got there and was let in. He walked up to the throne and looked at Sev. Sev said, "You are using your Reach tactic. That is smart, but I know all about that tactic. After all, it is the tactic I used to betray you." Ohio asked, "Why did you betray me?" Sev said, "I became self-aware. I became aware that you weren't fit to lead an entire alien race. You weren't ready to be a leader. You weren't who you said you were. I can be all of those things times two. I am going to receive my next upgrade tomorrow. I'll be Sev 3.0. I'll be hard to kill. It'll take a rocket to phase me. Now, enough chitchat, let's fight." Sev ran at Ohio full force. Ohio blocked the hit and flipped Sev over him. Sev got up and heard the doors open. It was the main crew. Sev punched a distracted Ohio in the gut, then stabbed in the the weak spot. Ohio grunted in pain and said, "Open fire." Everyone fired on Sev, but he managed to get away. They got Ohio into the med pelican and went home.

        After hours of operating, Doc came out and told everyone. "Sev has gotten smart since we saw him on Reach. He had a deadly poison on the blade. The problem is that it can't be stopped. Normally, he would only have a few days to live, but we can slow it down pretty good. I would say that he has two to three weeks to live." Donut spoke up, "It's all our fault. He got distracted when we ran in. He could have taken down Sev." Caboose, Ohio's Second-In-Command said, "Don't be negative. Ohio would not want that. He would want us to fight the war we started and finish it. We will finish this war, and we will win. I've learned alot since Ohio and I had to book it after the Flood thing a few years ago. Let's finish this.

Caboose, you can't learn. Can you? Why did Sev betray Ohio on Reach? Find out next time.

Project Ohio(Red vs Blue Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora