The 71 Hours

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                              What happened bewtween the Freelancers leaving and the Flood attacking?

        The Alpha, having been launched, was now in orbit. Ohio said, "Everyone, we escaped. Let's party. Get into your civilian clothes. There is no need for armor up here." He turns to Bismarck. "Have the pilot keep us in orbit. The world will need us soon." Bismarck says, "This is an Eclipse-class Star Destroyer , we can take the chairman down with ease." Ohio said, Yes, but that would prove his point about us being menaces, which is something we are not." Bismarck says, "We could figure out a way to.." Ohio interrupted him, "No, we will let someone else take care of him. As long as I get the finishing blow on that prick, I'm fine with someone else fighting our battles for us. Now, I need to go make a call." Ohio walks off to go make his call.

        Ohio made his call and something picked up. "Listen, Flood, I need you to attack the chairman in 72 hours. I will send him a letter from you saying that you are coming. I want you to keep him alive. I wanna be the one to finish him off. The other Insurrectionists are free game. I warn you now, if you betrayme and go with some other secret agenda, I will put your race's existence to an end." He heard the reply, "OK." He hung up and wrote the letter. He heard a knock on his bunk door and answered. It was South. Ohio asked, "What do you want, South?" She replied, "You. I want you." Ohio replied, "Yeah, you need me to do something. What do you want me to do?" She replied, "Take my virginity." Ohio said, "Well, fuck." South replied, "There's the answer I wanted to hear." She jumped on him, knocking him to the floor. They had the time of their lives.

         The following morning, everyone met in the eating quarters and did nothing. As Ohio walked one to the bridge, Bismarck stopped him. "There is something for you in the hangar. Two of my men found it while stealing stuff." Ohio gave Bismarck a glare. Bismarck replied, "I made them go pay double for it. I know that you don't condone stealing or other illegal things." Ohio nodded and headed off for the hangar. As he walked, he heard loud moans through an ajar door. He peeked in and saw Tucker and Carolina having the time of their lives. He said, "Learn to shut your door," Tucker and Carolina jumped as Ohio continued on. He got to the hangar to see a tarp covering what looked like could be a car. He took the tarp off and saw his Bucaneer. It was black with black Solidus tires, with the white for the custom, and the windows were blacked out to the point where you can't see in, but can see out as if there wasn't a window there. There was a note tucked under the windshield wiper. It read: "Pimped it out for ya. -Bizzy" He smiled and covered it back up. As he walked back to his bunk, he heard moans from an open door. He peeked in to see Caboose and Tex fucking. Ohio just turned around and walked away, wide eyed. "I'm never looking through another door that has moans coming from it." He said to himself.

        Ohio sat in his bunk, with an hour before the Flood are supposed to attack, he was ready. The attack came, so did the  Flood betraying Ohio. Ohio made an alliance between the Insurrectionists and the Freelancers, as he saw it being the only way to take out the Flood. He called Bizzy into his bunk and told him, "Listen, no Freelancer like the Insurrectionists, and vice versa. With that being said, the plan is, we take out the Flood, then we either figure out a way to make peace with the Insurrectionists, or we kill them. The faster, the better. Help me relay this the the other freelancers." Bismarck nodded and they got to work relaying the message around. After it was all said and done, they were ready to go on the offensive. Ohio said, "No matter what happens out there, fight as if you were defending the entire universe. The following only applies to the Insurrectionist leader and myself. If one is about to get killed, the other must save them. Unless, the one about to die says to go on. Now then, let's kill some Flood." They all beamed down to the surface, horrified by the sight.

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