The Chairman's Rise Back To The Top

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The Chairman was in his black and white suit, heading to his job interview to become the President's Advisor. He got there and was lead to the President's office. The President said, "Mr. Hargrove, please have a seat." The Chairman sat down and got adjusted. The President asked, "Would you like some water?" The Chairman responded, "Thank you, but I had water on the way here." The President said, "Ok, let's get started. I'm only going to ask you three questions." The Chairman said, "Let's get started then." The President asked, "Can you tell me about yourself?" The Chairman began, "Well, I was born into a poor family, but I had dreams, goals, ambitions. I worked my butt off in school and got mostly A's with some B's here and there. After college, I got involved with the wrong crowd and became the evil person that tried to take over the world. I was the Chairman of Project Freelancer for some time until I betrayed them and led the Insurrectionists. After Ohio caused me to get my scars, I started becoming good again." The President asked, "Elaborate on how you've changed from bad to good." The Chairman continued, "Well, after I got my scars and Ohio defeated the Flood, I saw an opportunity to do good like I had always dreamed. I started doing good things for people. I started a homeless shelter in upstate New York. I led a mob, which I recently killed off. I've become a vigilante, if you will." The President then asked, "Why do you want to be my advisor?" The Chairman responded, "I want to be involved with the government. As a kid, I wanted to work alongside the president. I want to fulfill that dream." The President started writing down on a piece of paper. He said, "I'm creating a new department in the government. It's the Department of Youth Services. You are the head of that department. You are also my advisor when I need advice." The Chairman said, "Thank you, Mr. President. I won't let you down." The President said, "I know you won't. You are dismissed. You start on Monday." The Chairman leaves and thinks in his mind, "My rise back to the top has begun."

        The following Monday, the Chairman made a speech. In that speech, he promised three things. The first thing he promised was to get kids off the streets after school. The second thing was that he would get entertainment for kids in every city. The third thing he promised was that he would serve the kids. He told them to write letters of what  they want done and he would try his hardest to get them done. It looks like the Chairman was becoming a good person after all.

        In the next six months, he achieved quite a bit. He had gotten 1,500 entertainment centers built across the country. He had gotten 2,000 public parks opened, and 5 amazing amusement parks opened. He had given the President great advice. He had gotten the President to let him build his own mansion. He had advised the President to make all drugs illegal. The most notable thing he had done was getting homeless children homes. He had gotten 1,000 orphanages built across the country. When that first six months went by, he was moved up to the top. It was all because of a tragedy that happened onSeptember 31, 2755.

        The day was going going great. The Chairman was at the White House discussing business. The President took out his will and wrote in that if he died, then the Chairman shall be made President. Once he got done writing it, the bomb alarms went off and they took off towards the bomb shelter. A bomb hit the White House as they got to it, causing the ceiling to collapse, blocking it off. The Chairman turned to the President, who was gushing out blood from multiple points on his body. The fire was spreading and he was pinned under a pillar. The Chairman tried to get it off, but had no luck. The President said, "Take the will. Lead the country well." The Chairman took the will and backed up as the President caught on fire and screamed in pain for his final few seconds. The Chairman went outside to find four men pointing weapons at him. He wasn't in any shape to fight with the cut on hid arm. The one said, "This country now belongs to the Insurrectionists, but this time, the Chairman won't lead us." The chairman said, "Sorry boys, but this is my rise to the top, not yours." He disarmed the one and gunned the rest dow in the matter of seconds. He went out of the gates to see wreckage everywhere. He continued to the hospital, where he recieved treatment.

        Two days later, he stepped out on stage and acepted the honor of being the new President of the United States of America. He then went on to give a speech. "The group responsible for this attack is th old group I had led. It was the Insurrectionists. I have found out that they are bigger than I thought they would be. I have also found out who their new leader is. He calls himself, Sev 2.0. I don't know why the 2.0 part is there, but I don't care. All I know is that he must be stopped, no matter the cost. I have contacted Project Freelancer for help. They are currently on their way back to Earth to help us fight this war that has started. I have also found out something else. I have found out that they have liberated Reach. They have set up communication and teleportation between here and there." Ohio, Caboose, and Donut beam down. Ohio started by saying, "You know who I am, but you might not know these two. It's Caboose, my Second-In-Command. There is Donut, just the other person tagging along down here on Earth while the others land at Bloodgulch. We will defeat the Insurrectionists. It shouldn't be hard since I feated the Flood by pressing a button. Then again, the button launched ten nukes at their ship. We liberated Reach, which was a lengthy process and took about two days. None of us got any sleep. The army that will fight the Insurrectionists consists of: The American Military, Project Freelancer, and the Covenant. Hasta La Vista, time to shoot some people." They were beamed up and the Chairman said, "Goodbye everyone. You have nothing to worry about." He went off stage.

        Back at BloodGulch, Ohio was discussing the game-plan. "We get them all together, then launch the nuke." Tucker said, "Dude, we can't just use the nuke everytime. We need to actually fight like we did on Reach." Ohio said, "You're right. The new plan is that we take them out, one city and camp at a time. After all, that strategy worked on Reach. Since the army will be big enough, we should be able to split it up and attack all 10 camps at once. Then, we'll rendevous outside their capital and attack at night, just like on Reach." They agreed and prepared.

So, the Chairman has risen back to the top. Will he stay good or go bad? What is this Reach liberation? Find out next time.

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