The Arrival of an Old Ally.

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        Ohio sat on the ledge of the canyon, wondering about how they were going to beat the chiarman. They had gotten the letter an were shocked, but they are skeptical about whether they can do this or not. He was interrupted when he heard a sound and looked up to see a Covenant ship. He ran down to the other and Wash asked, "Why is there a covenant ship?" Ohio was about to answer when it landed and the door started to open. Everyone but their guns at the ready, and waited. The door opened, revealing an elite that Ohio recognized. Ohio ordered everyone, "Guns down." Wash answered, "No, it's the covenant." Ohio said, "And you're looking right at Arbiter." Arbiter said, "Hello, James, it's been a long time." Ohio responded, "14 years since we last talked. I was only ten then." Wash asked, "How do you know the Arbiter?" Ohio responded, "He saved my life in the early stages of the Great War. I was only 7 when that happened. Became an ally for him for three years." Wash asked, "How were you someone's ally at 7?" Ohio responded, "I gave him intel on the UNSC. I've been clashing with the UNSC since. Yet, they have no clue who was giving intel. The only reason I had intel was because of my dad. He was high ranked, and since I was his son, I had the same clearance he did." He then asked Arbiter, "How is 117?" Arbiter said, "Only you and I have that clearance. He is still M.I.A." Caboose asked, "117? You mean Master Chief?"  Ohio replied, "Yes. I was also an ally of Master Chief. He actually says a lot less than the legends say." He turned back to Arbiter, "So, Arby, what brings you here?" Arby replies, "To help out an old friend." He turned to his people, "Unpack things into the bases and caves. We're staying for a little while. I remember the battle that happened here." Ohio replied, "Me too." Everyone asked, "What battle?" Ohio said, "I'll tell the story tonite before we leave to go get armor and weapons. Use it as motivation."

        It was time for everyone to gather in the middle of the canyon so Ohio could tell his story. "He started off. "My father was coming here, and I stowed away on board the pelican in a box of ammo. When we got here, shit went down and the battle started. My father told told me, 'Run into the caves.' I did, but I came across a squadron of grunts who started firing at me. I hid, but they found me and were about to kill me when Arby showed up and killed them. He said, 'I'm allied with Master Chief. I will get you out of here.' I picked up an energy cutlass and a needler. I followed him, but when we were almost out of the caves, Arby got hit. It wasn't bad, but it slowed him down. We were almost to the current blue base when I saw an elite shove an energy sword right through my dad's chest. My gut told me to go to him, so I did. The elite charge at me, but I shot it in the face as I slid under it on my back. It was a move my dad taught me a fewmonths before. I got to him and I couldn't talk, just cry. He said to me, 'Go. Run and hide. I foight the fight, and I died. I love you, son. Go.' I ran back to where Arbiter was, and on the way, I picked up the energy sword from the elite I killed. He got me to safetyand went back out to fight. I was watching the battle go down. It ended when an elite killed the last fighter. It went up to my mom, who was bleding out and put his energy sword up to her head. I picked up the assualt rifle beside me and ran out shooting at anything that wasn't Arby or Master Chief. The gun was shot out of my hand, and the last elite left charged me with his energy sword. I ran and slid under him, but I activated the energy word I had grabbed earlier and cut him. He died instantly. Abry and Master Chief came up. Master Chief said, 'You did good, kid. Let's go. We need to get you somewhere.' Then I went on to give them intel and we all know what happened from there. Yet, to this day, the UNSC has no clue that I was the one that gave intel. Now then, who's ready to get some armor and kick some ass?" They all got up and got ready to go. Arby said to Ohio, "I have weapons, You just need to get the armor." Ohio asked, "You still have my old armor?" Arby said, "Hell yes."

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