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Journal Entry 117
Date: 2573
Location: Captain's Quarters aboard the Harbinger

        It is finally time for things to come to an end. It has been a long time since anyone or anything has tried to take over the Earth or the universe. I killed anyone or anything that tried. I would like to take this time to reflect on my life and accomplishments throughout it. I was born on August 12, 2545 in the hieght of The Great War. At the age of seven, in 2552, I lost my mother and father in the battle of BloodGulch. It was that battle that put me into the UNSC and I became Allies with Master Chief and the Arbiter. For the next three years, 2552-2555, I fed information to people that help end The Great War. 

        Two years later, in 2557, I joined Project Freelancer as Freelancer Agent Ohio. I became great friends with all of the other agents and remained there for a long time. In 2566, at the age of 21, The UNSC declared war on Project Freelancer and the Director of Project Freelancer, Leonard Church, gave me the mission of rebuilding Project Freelancer. Two months after that, I told the Flood to take care of the Chaiarman, but they betrayed me and took over the world, so I gathered up the rest of the Insurrectionists, who were our enemies, and led a joint army into war to take back Earth. On the mission to take out the Flood, the Chairman shot Tucker, causing me to have to stay behind with a contingency plan to fake my death. On their way out, the Reds and Blues, the ones I call my family were blocked off by the Flood leader and Private Michael J Caboose, stayed behind so they could get out. He was mortally wounded and both of us faked our deaths and left Earth.

        Fast forward another year in 2567, I had become the Admiral of a fleet. The Reds and Blues back on Earth were pretty much attacked by Sev, a bounty hunter who was trying to claim the bounty on Donut's head. He was also a cannibal. I saved Donut and turned Sev into a cyborg, in which I could control what he does and doesn't know about me or his past. Fast forward another six months when the Flood leader attacked and captured the Reds and Blues to lure me out and reveal the truth of my survival. My old friends had figured that I somehow survived and I saved them... again adn we went back to Earth to celebrate and I was made the head of the UNSC. We then went on to liberate Reach of the Covenant faction that still hated humans. In that time, the Chairman, our old enemy, rose to the top and became of President of the United States and the head of the UNSC. Sev also became aware of his past and betrayed us and went back to Earth.

        When we came back, the Chairman had declared war on the Insurrectionists, who was now led by Sev. After a few years, which now brings us into the year 2570, we won the war, but Donut and I ended up having to fake our deaths since we didn't get out in time. Donut went back to his wife, Agent Texas to raise his child. In 2571, I was tasked with taking my fleet and going around destroying any remaining Halo rings. I had Master Chief and Cortana to aid me. 

        We destroyed the rings, but the Harbinger didn't make it away from the blast of the last ring exploding and Chief and I were stuck floating through space on the back half of the ship in cryo sleep for 100 years. Fast forward to the year 2673, Chief and I were awaken by Cortana on some unknown planet. Chief and I managed to get off the planet and run into my friend, Agent Bismarck, who had the capability of time travel. He took us back to our, here in 2573 to live out the rest of our days. In theory, you could say that I am technically 128 years old in a 28 year old body, or that I'm 28 in a 128 year old body since it has existsed for that long. I am currently 28 and I reside in BloodGulch with my wife, Agent South Dakota, who I saved using time travel since she originally died in the first war that I led, and my two kids. Sam is a year old and South just gave birth to Emily two weeks ago.

        They say that we are all stories in the end. If so, then my story is, "Donezo."

                                                                                                                                                                                                The End

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