Ohio is Back in Business

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        Not everyone at BloodGulch was killed when the invader came. The only one that were killed was CT. The rest were taken as hostages to get Ohio to come rescue them. They were beaten and bruised for two weeks. Today was the day that they were going to meet who took them. They were taken out in front of a throne which had no light over it. A voice was heard. "You stupid idiots took Earth right when it was in my grasp.And for that, I will kill all of you. That will have to wait, of course." Tucker asked, "Why wait?" The voice said, "Because, you know as well as I do that Ohio is still alive." Tucker said, "Yeah, we'vealready figured that out. I even understand why he had to do what he did. Why he had to let us grieve." The voice asked, "And why is that?" Donut responded, "Because, he probably had a plan to let us find him, but someone must have screwed it up. Most likely Caboose. He had to come up with a contingency plan on the spot. So, he faked his death and let us grieve, knowing that it would cause us to evolve as individuals and a group." The voice said, "Well,that is a very fine deduction. Would you like to see my face? I think you'll be shocked. The figure walked out into the light, revealing who he was. They all gasped and Tucker said, "Ohio killed you. The bomb killed you." The figure said, "Remember what I said. This body could survive the universe exploding. This body could survive Halo. Speaking of Halo, that is why you are here. Ohio will come to save you. When he comes, he'll be ambushed, taken hostage and brought to me for me to kill him. Then I will take his artifacts he has and find the other ones. Once I have all twelve, I can use them to travel back and prevent you idiots from even existing, making it easier for me to take over Earth, then eventually taking over the universe. The Halo ring will act as the portal." Tucker said, "Whatever, asshole." Just then, a few guards brought in Wash's team, Caboose, and Sev.Tucker asked, "Caboose? If you're here, then Ohio must be close." Caboose said, "Trust me, he's a lot closer than you think he is." The figure, now revealing himself as the Flood Leader said, "Yes, but you are ragteam group of idiots." Suddenly, Ohio's voice said, "Yes, but they're my ragteam group of idiots." He came out of his cloaking revealing himself. The leader said, "Good, now you can call be by my new name. The I go The Chairman now." Ohio said, "Let them go. You have me. You have what you want, so let them go." The Flood Leader said, "Nope. I'm going to kill you all." Ohio said, "I was afraid that you would say that. Well, time to die this time." Just as Ohio said that, he was knocked out by a Flood guard. Everyone was taken back to their holding cells, while Ohio was taken off to be killed.

        When they got Ohio to a room, they made him look out the window. The Flood Leader said, "Are you ready to watch the world you love be destroyed?" As the Flood Leader and the others started laughing, Ohio began having a flashback to the day his parents were killed in front of him.

Flashback Begin

         Ohio rushed to his father's side. He said, "Dad, don't worry, you'll live. Master Chief and Arbiter are here."  His dad said, "It's too late for me son. The plasma energy surrounding this place kills human, but gives the Covenant strength." Ohio asked, "Why hasn't it effected me then?" With his last few seconds of life, his father said, "You're special son. You're very special." And with that, his dad died.

Flashback End

        Ohio said, "No. But I am ready to die saving it." He broke out of his handcuffs and threw the Flood Leader into the window, making it crack. He disarmed a rookie Flood and shot down the rest. He could hear the army running towards the room. Ohio looked at the Flood Leader, grabbing his energy sword, activating it. The Flood Leader said, "There's no way out of here without being seen." Ohio said, "Whatever, go to hell." He shot the explosives, making the room explode. The army ran in to see the Flood Leader, unconscious and with one arm instead of two. They wondered to themselves, "Where did Ohio go?"

        Ohio was on the outside of the ship, climbing to the holding cells. He got to the location they were at and went inside the glass after breaking it. He killed the guards and freed his friends. He explained as the walked to the top of the ship to get beamed up. They were amazed at how he survived. They got to the top and were beamed up. Ohio instructed his weapons engineer. "Send 10 nukes at it." The person got on it and send the nukes at the ship. They all exploded simultaneously and killed all of the Flood. Ohio said, "Finally, we can return home in peace."

        They returned home and the news of Ohio's survival went all around the world. Everyone celebrated and went back to BloodGulch to live normal lives.

                                                                                                                                                                                                1 Year Later

        It was a happy day at BloodGulch. It was a wedding day and the couple getting married were no other than Donut and Tex. The weddig had gone smoothly. Ohio beamed himself onto the Harbinger and went to the bridge. He heard a familiar voice behind him. "You miss it, don't you?" Ohio turned around to see Agent Bismarck, or Bizzy, and said, "Yeah. I miss going on adventures and saving the day. Here I am, living a normal life I thought I would never have. How's the Wife and kids?" Bizzy replied, "CT and the kids are good. Just to think that Bizzy Junior will one day command my Fleet when I get too old to do it." Ohio replied, "Yeah. Sadly, I don't one to command anymore. It looks like this is it for me. It looks like this is my retirement." Bizzy said, "Maybe it's not. You are only 25." Ohio said, "Yeah, maybe." Bizzy said, "Well, I've got to go. Farewell for now, Admiral Ohio." Ohio said, "Farewell, Agent Bismarck. Till we meet again." Bizzy left and Ohio sat down in the Captain's chair. Caboose and Sev walked in. Caboose sat in the First Officer's Chair on the right, and Sev at the console turning the ship on. The others walked in and sat down in chairs around the bridge. 479'er sat in the plot's seat. Caboose asked, "Where are we going now, Admiral?" Ohio smiled and said, "Pilot, take us to Reach."

Yes, Ohio is back in business, now with the whole crew alongside him. Where will they go? What types of adventures will they have? Why and How is Ohio very special? That is all to be answered. Now then, news time. This is te first story of my Wattpad Phase 1 of stories. Phase 1 will end August 1, 2015. I will fit however many stories I can fit within that time. I have begun my Fanfiction.net Phase 1 with two stories. I am going to post another story that goes along with this one, but won't take place at the same time. I will see you guys next time.

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